Frédéric Filloux fasst die Erkenntnisse der Studie Public Support for the Media, A Six-Country Overview of Direct and Indirect Subsidies (PDF) des Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism der University of Oxford für die Printpresse zusammen, und kommt unter anderem zu dem Schluss, dass staatliche Förderung der Printpresse nicht helfen:
1 / There are no Keynesian mechanisms in evidence when it comes to correlating public spending with print media penetration. The US spends only 16% more per capita than Italy, but have 94% more readers per thousand people. As for Germans, they spend 40% of what the Italians do, but have almost three times more readers. Practically, it means there is no hope to reverse the declining trend by beefing up subsidies.
Eine Studie, die man im Hinterkopf behalten sollte.
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