Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Watch as Apple’s Siri starts to remove Google from the mobile search equation "Apple is sticking itself between you and Google, by offering direct search access to sites like Wikipedia and Yelp — and many more sites and apps to come, no doubt. Siri doesn’t have to go through Google Search, and it doesn’t show you any Google ads. And that should be scary to the folks at Google, which still makes the vast majority of its profit from search advertising."
- Why is there no iPhone 5? "The market for the new iPhones could then be summarized as follows: 70 million early generation iPhone users who are eager to upgrade (with 90% probability) plus a subset of a billion buyers of new phones next year who are looking for their first smartphone. These two markets iPhone 4S is targeting are “easy” because the competition is weak. It’s either “don’t upgrade my old iPhone” or “buy a dumb phone or another smartphone for almost the same price as an iPhone”."
- Facebook Reveals More Details About Timeline, Including an Approval Process for Open Graph Apps "However, to ”make sure the initial experience with Timeline is really great” Facebook is now manually reviewing the submission of new Open Graph apps to check out their nouns, verbs, and what triggers an activity to be published."
- Online banking alternative BankSimple to go live next month "There are reportedly thousands of names on the waiting list to join BankSimple, which we’ve written about before. Banksimple isn’t a standalone bank, the company is more of a layer between you and your existing bank. You deposit money into your BankSimple account, the service helps you budget, and then funnels the money to the larger banks."
- Kritik: Regierung bei Universaldienst vor Wirtschaft eingeknickt – Golem.de "CDU/CSU und FDP sind bei ihrer Ablehnung eines Universaldienstes für Breitbandinternet in Deutschland "vor der Wirtschaft eingeknickt". Das sagte die Sprecherin der Grünen für Medienpolitik, Tabea Rößner, am 5. Oktober 2011. "Die Koalition legt offenbar keinen Wert darauf, dass alle Haushalte und Unternehmen in Deutschland einen Breitbandanschluss nutzen können: Die CDU konnte sich mit ihrer Forderung nach einem Recht auf einen Breitbandanschluss auf Grundversorgungsniveau gegenüber der FDP nicht durchsetzen.""
- Die Amazon Cloud wächst und wächst "In noch nicht einmal einem Jahr hat sich die Anzahl der Objekte bei Amazon S3 mal eben verdoppelt, das zeigt, wie stark die Nachfrage nach Cloud-basierter Storage wächst."
- Facebook Is As Big As The Internet Of 2004 "Facebook's active user base is made up of 38% of the entire current Internet population."
- The Best Piece on the iPhone 4S Launch comes from Dean Bubley
- An enhanced Google Docs experience on Android tablets
- Sparrow Rethinks the Email Attachment in Latest App Update
- Erstmals mehr als eine halbe Million aktive Twitteraccounts "Im September haben 550.000 Accounts aktiv auf Deutsch getwittert."
- Did Apple Spill The Beans On Its New Voice Assistant Product 24 Years Ago?
- Italienische Wikipedia vor dem Aus?
- preisklarheit und klare lügen
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