13. Okt. 2011 Lesezeit: 2 Min.

Aktuelles 13. Oktober 2011

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • The State of Diaspora and Fundraising Round Two 2300$ pro Monat als 'bescheidenes Gehalt'? Was wurde aus der Studenten-programmieren-die-Facebook-Alternative-Geschichte? "You might wonder where the original $200,000 has gone since the project's initial Kickstarter project to build a free social platform. Fair enough, let's take a look how it's broken down so far. First, Kickstarter takes a chunk of the cash receipts. That means that the $200,000 is actually a bit more than $178,000 after the Diaspora folks got the money. The developers have taken a modest salary of just over $28,000 each, and there's payroll taxes and insurance on top of that. So the biggest line item for the Diaspora team so far is payroll, which comes to just more than $114,000. To put that in perspective, assuming 40 hour weeks for 52 weeks, they're not quite bringing home $15 an hour. "
  • October 12, 2011: The Day SMS Began To Die "This is many, many, many millions of devices, suddenly switching to a new protocol with little interaction from the user. This is millions of iPhones, suddenly sending a fraction of the SMS messages they sent before. The carriers are terrified, and rightly so."
  • Pandora extrem erfolgreich als mobile App, bisher weniger mit mobiler Werbung "Pandora ist in den USA die am meisten heruntergeladene kostenfreie Musikapp in Apples Appstore und im Android AppMarket. Pandora erreicht in New York und Los Angeles ein größeres Publikum als die größten Radiostationen in diesen Städten."
  • Regierung setzt auf neue Staatstrojaner – Extra 3 Blog
  • Crowdsourced Learning Platform Udemy Raises $3 Million From Lightbank And Others "“We only make money if our instructors make money,” co-founder Gagan Biyani says, explaining how the company monetizes despite its numerous free offerings — by a 30% cut on top of all paid courses. “As this world of education enters online, our vision is to let anyone enter that marketplace, in the same way that blogging let anyone with a computer publish online,” Biyani asserts."
  • Windows Phone, a year on "Windows Phone is in limbo. The company acknowledged that it has performed below expectations. During the last quarter for which we have data (ending June) I have an estimate that Windows Phone sold only 1.4 million units (Gartner’s sell-through analysis suggests 1.7 million). That gives Microsoft a 1.3% share of units sold (Gartner 1.6%), a new low."
  • Während Spotifys Umsatz wächst, steigt auch der Verlust "Spotify nahm mit seinen Premium-Accoutnts 2010 71 Millionen US-Dollar ein, zusätzlich zu 28 Millionen US-Dollar über Werbung. Trotzdem nahm der Verlust zu: Spotify hatte 2010 42 Millionen US-Dollar Verlust zu verzeichnen."

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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