Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Was bringt uns X.Commerce (jenseits von Magento)? "Man kann "X.commerce" verwenden, ohne sich komplett an eBay/Magento zu binden.
Fabric, dieser Hub, der alles vereint, wird zwar von X.commerce als Service angeboten, der "immer und zentral erreichbar" sein soll. Du kannst dir aber den Quellcode holen und deinen eigenen Hub aufsetzen, deine eigenen Contracts (Schnittstellen) definieren und Capabilities (Services) implementieren und das alles mit einem fremden Shopsystem einsetzen, ohne dass dir X.commerce den Saft abdrehen kann, weil du etwas Unerwünschtes tust. So stellt sich die Sache zumindest aktuell dar." - NY Magazine's Focus On Daily Blogs Leads To Traffic Boost "Instead of just repurposing articles from the weekly cultural magazine, NY has put greater emphasis on building out its daily news blogs aimed at entertainment, fashion, food and politics to produce 10.5 million monthly unique users for September, the highest number in the site’s 13-year history. At the same time, NY’s online advertising dollars are pacing up 25 percent since last year, and has already doubled since 2009."
- Google-Suche ab sofort für eingeloggte User verschlüsselt "Schon vor längerer Zeit hat Google eine SSL-Version der Websuche eingeführt und diese zur freiwilligen Benutzung angeboten. Jetzt geht Google dazu über diese Version der Websuche zum Standard zu machen – vorerst nur für eingeloggte User. Die Verbindung ist damit verschlüsselt und die Suchanfrage kann nicht mehr von dritten abgefangen werden – doch das hat auch negative Folgen für alle Webmaster."
- Digitales deutsches WSJ startet Anfang 2012
- Facebook f8 in Berlin "Facebook now has 20M users in Germany"
- Wie ein Daten-Mashup die deutsche Entwicklungshilfe aufschlüsselt
- Google Adds A Social Layer to Android With People App, Social API "The new People app, which comes with the next version of the Android OS called Ice Cream Sandwich, connects everyone in a person’s address book to their presences on social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter. You can click into your contact list to pull up a friend’s latest status updates or shared content from other social networks."
- 16% of Apple’s Sales From China, Says CEO Cook "That figure is up from 12 percent last fiscal year, and just two percent the year before that. Cook pointed out that it’s Apple’s ‘fastest growing region by far’ with revenue up 270 percent year-over-year."
- The Revolution Will Be Digitised: how Cablegate, Facebook, Google and the regulation will shape the future "Here is one place where Brooke really opened my eyes: while there are many people who make blanket assertions about the US government's manipulation of the press. But Brooke has concrete details, and the surprising intelligence that while the US does not have a "public broadcaster" like the BBC or public newspaper subsidies like Norway, it outspends both of them in its formidable press-offices at every level of government and military. In other words, the US doesn't have public news media, but it spends an equivalent sum on spin-doctors whose job it is to control the narrative in the "free-enterprise" press."
- iOS magazine publisher sees Apple’s Newsstand boost sales by 750% "The Association of Online Publishers reports that Future Publishing, a UK company with over 50 titles available via Apple’s Newsstand platform and more than 55 print publications (also creating popular websites TechRadar, T3 and Gizmodo UK), launched a number of free, paid and premium publications on October 13, editions that surpassed more than two million downloads in 4 days. The boost in downloads saw consumers spending well in excess of their usual monthly amounts."
- Our Blogs, Ourselves
- Auf meiner iOS-Wunschliste: ein Newsstand für Podcasts "Aber wie cool wäre ‘PodStand‘, eine Art Newsstand-Kopie für Audio- und Video-Podcasts aus dem iTunes-Verzeichnis!? Mit Monetarisierungsmöglichkeit, Live-(Streaming)-Option, Sendezeiten-Push und einer vernünftigen ‘Shownotes’-Aufbereitung.
Nachdem Apple die Musikindustrie gerettet, Hollywood unter die Arme gegriffen und jetzt den Patienten ‘Verleger’ zur Regeneration ans Krankenbett gefesselt hat, wäre es an der Zeit für mehr Aufmerksamkeit der treusten iTunes-Contentlieferanten." - Vom Blogkiller zum Maulkorb: Wie Italiens Regierung das Internet mundtot machen will "Doch der nun geänderte Gesetzentwurf bleibt weiterhin eine Ungeheuerlichkeit für ein demokratisches Land, er ist ein grober Eingriff in die Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit. Die Zensur soll jetzt ausschließlich professionelle Internetseiten treffen, also vor allem Medienportale. Sie sind laut Gesetz verpflichtet, innerhalb von 48 Stunden “nachzubessern”, wenn sich jemand in einem Onlineartikels falsch dargestellt fühlt. Die Betonung liegt auf “fühlt”, denn es genügt die Meinung der betroffenen Person, unabhängig davon, ob die ins Netz gestellte Information wahr ist oder nicht."
- Publishers beware: Is CodexCloud the Grooveshark for ebooks? "While Amazon already allows users to loan their Kindle ebooks to other users for a limited period of time, CodexCloud takes things one step further and simply allows users to share them online with anyone, at any time, and for as long as they want."
- File-Sharing Admins Jailed For Linking To Copyright Works
- Kritische Betrachtung des WhatsApp Lizenzmodells "Im Prinzip tun mir die $1.99 ja nicht weh. Aber ich finde WhatsApp hätte ein einheitliches Lizenzmodell integrieren sollen. Zwar ist die App unter Android kostenlos, muss aber nach einem Jahr verlängert werden. In iOS zahle ich einmalig 0,79€ und kann die App ohne weitere Zusatzkosten verwenden."
- You Used To Be Able To Order A Negative Quantity Of Books On Amazon And Get Paid Real Money "Lesson learned: Just ship and worry about the rest later."
- Is Simplicity the Secret of Amazon Web Services Success? "According to Randy Bias of Cloudscaling, Amazon is closing in on $1 billion a year in revenue for AWS, and he predicts that it's on track to be the biggest infrastructure and hosting company in the world. There's little in its way, says Bias, because its competitors don't understand its formula. Actually, it's worse than that – Bias says that the reason most people don't understand why Amazon is succeeding is because they don't want to.
It sounds counter-intuitive to say that Amazon's competitors don't want to understand its secrets for success. What Bias is actually saying is that Amazon's competitors don't want to admit that its simplicity would be the reason it's successful. Complexity is far too profitable." - Livefyre lands $4.5M to take on Facebook comments "Livefyre is seeing solid growth at the moment: The company’s platform is now installed on more than 14,000 websites, from small-time bloggers to big publishers such as The Sun, Sugar Media, Talking Points Memo and MIT Tech Review. With the new funding serving as a Series B round, Livefyre, which has 28 staff, has raised a total of $5.3 million to date."
- I Want My MTV "The reason records sell fewer copies today is more about the above rules than theft. Most people just don’t care about what you’re selling. If you’re striving to become a rich rock star, the Web audience is laughing at you. What makes you so special? Your pure desire? And you want to leave us behind? We’re right there with you, the more you promote yourself, the more we’re gonna make fun of you."
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