Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- 11 API Management Services "When launching and managing your API, many companies choose to do all the work themselves, unaware that are service providers available to help you plan, deploy, launch and manage your API infrastructure and ecosystem. To help bring awareness, I wanted to take a few moments and do a roundup of API service providers."
- EFF: "We are generally satisfied with the privacy design of Silk" "Amazon made some very good privacy choices in the design of Silk. First, the "acceleration" is user-configurable, and you can just turn it off if you're worried. Further, SSL connections are never intercepted, and Amazon only lightly logs your network sessions, and expires those logs after 30 days. The service isn't perfect, but it's got a lot to recommend it."
- Federated Media Offers Ad Rights for WordPress Bloggers "At the Web 2.0 Summit today, Federated Media Publishing and Automattic, parent company of WordPress, announced an agreement to provide advertising rights for U.S. WordPress.com bloggers. Over 24 million sites are hosted on WordPress.com, and users will now be able to opt into a topically targeted advertising program."
- Khan Academy Triples Unique Users To 3.5 Million "While Khan is a not-for-profit organization, the Academy has received donations from The Gates Foundation and also won Google’s “Project 10^100″. With the $2 million+ from Google and Gates in pocket, Khan told the crowd at Web 2.0 today that the academy is seeing 39 million pageviews and 3.5 million unique users per month. That 3.5 million unique users is up 309 percent year-over-year."
- Ich hoffe, der Börsenvereins-Vorsteher ist nicht nur mir peinlich …?
- Facebook wird Bitkom-Mitglied "Das soziale Netzwerk Facebook wird Mitglied im Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien (Bitkom). Das teilte das Unternehmen, das eine deutsche Niederlassung in Hamburg hat, am Mittwoch mit."
- “Das Land wird von Sicherheitsbeamten regiert” "Den einsamen Höhepunkt der Rede Uhls bildete allerdings nicht das naheliegende CCC-Bashing, sondern folgende Aussage:
“Das Land wird von Sicherheitsbehörden geleitet (…) es wird regiert von Sicherheitsbeamten”" - Facebook Messenger jetzt auch im deutschen App Store erhältlich Endlich.
- Was wollen die 10% Piratenwähler wirklich?
- Friedrich: Außer Kontrolle
- LinkedIn launches new headhunting-like service for job recruiters "The service lets recruiters import leads and resumes from any source (message boards, job postings, personal referrals and more), which can then be organized using tags, sources, status updates and custom search reports. Since Talent Pipeline matches all recruiting data within LinkedIn’s database of profiles, it makes the process of monitoring potential hires much easier as well. This also helps adds more passive job seekers to the mixed based on their qualifications rather than the need to find employment."
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