Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Was macht den Buch-Besonderheits-Status aus?
- Gute Technik, böse Technik — Evgeny Morozovs Abrechnung mit Jeff Jarvis Zusammenfassung der Morozov-Jarvis-Debatte.
- Bret Taylor: “A Few Years From Now, Most Every Single Person At Facebook Is Going To Be Working On Mobile” „How important is mobile to Facebook? Already, 350 million of its 800 million monthly active users are on mobile devices, and that number is just going to get bigger. “Fundamentally we view it as a really big shift for our company, as fundamental as the shift from desktop apps to the Internet,” Facebook CTO Bret Taylor tells me in the TCTV interview above (which was shot at the Web 2.0 Summit earlier this week). “Companies really need to redefine themselves in this world of devices rather than browsers on people’s laptops.”“
- Liquid Democracy in der Piratenpartei
- Angela Merkel: “Es darf kein Internet erster und zweiter Klasse geben”
- The Groupon roadshow „If I had to make a forecast, I’d say that Groupon is going to be around for the foreseeable future, but that the error bars on its future size are enormous. It could just slow down and lose its competitive advantage over its competition; it could, on the other hand, genuinely revolutionize the infrastructure of commerce and even become that thing everybody wants to be these days, a platform.“
- Steve Jobs Was Willing To ‚Rip Off‘ Everyone Else… But Was Pissed About Android Copying iPhone? „And that’s kind of the point: part of the way innovation works is that you build on the works of others. That doesn’t just mean wholesale copying, but trying to take what works and improve on it — or take what doesn’t work well and figure out a way to make it work better. Steve Jobs did this many, many times, but so have Google and many other companies. It seems rather hypocritical to get all bent out of shape because others are doing the same thing. „
- Diese Kulturtechnik ist in Deinem Land nicht verfügbar
- Standard OpenID Integration for PayPal Access | X.commerce
- Irgendwann wird die Zeit kommen, in der das Internet verdammt leer sein wird
- Groupon hat den Börsengang geschrumpft …
- How to bring good design to a platform .
- Your Only Job Is To Learn How To Learn „Learning is life, it’s not something you just do in school.
I’ve gotten so comfortable with change that for a long time I forgot that most people aren’t used to change.
In fact, the idea of change seems almost foreign to me. Change itself is the constant. If things weren’t chnaging that would be a change.“ - GVU: Erste Anklage wegen kino.to
- Harmony Link Makes Any iOS Device a Universal Remote [Stuff We Like] „Here’s how it works. The Harmony Link ($100) is a small, AC-powered device that connects to your Wi-Fi network, then blasts IR signals to all your home theater devices to control it. If you’ve used a regular Logitech Harmony universal remote with a Wi-Fi to IR extender, this works just like that. To control the thing, you use your iOS device—any iOS device—and run the Harmony Link app, which has a representation of a universal remote on the screen. This means that you can be anywhere in your house, as long as you’re in Wi-Fi range, and use any iPhone, iPod touch or iPad to change channels, adjust volume, fire up your PS3 for a Blu-ray or turn everything off.“
- Facebook CTO Bret Taylor Speaks At Web 2.0 Summit „Our vision is that social isn’t just a destination. It’s about personalization and discovery of apps. We want to make Facebook an ecosystem, and a compelling system, a platform and not a destination.“
- Rückblick: Unser 1. netzpolitischer Abend
- Lytro Comes Into Focus (AsiaD Demo)
- EFF declares premature victory in Nymwars
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