Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Now, each share in GReader makes me feel „Yes, do it while it
- Alibaba set to launch ‘Chinese iPad’ by the end of 2011 Die Amazon-Tablet-Strategie: „Alibaba enjoys a strong presence across many of China’s commercial areas and, while many details of the proposed device are as yet unknown, it is safe to assume that the tablet will have strong links to Alibaba’s online commerce, retail and payment platforms and cloud computing services.“
- Wikleaks Is Running Out Of Cash „Wikileaks is running out of cash. Or, rather, it can’t get its cash because of an economic blockade by Visa, Mastercard, Paypal and other financial institutions. The credit card companies started blocking payments to Wikileaks last year, and the inability to collect donations from the public via credit cards and other electronic transfers is taking its toll on the organization.“
- Jobs was the one who stole the television says Gates „Their meeting was in Jobs’s conference room, where Gates found himself surrounded by ten Apple employees who were eager to watch their boss assail him. Jobs didn’t disappoint his troops. “You’re ripping us off!” he shouted. “I trusted you, and now you’re stealing from us!” Gates just sat there coolly, looking Steve in the eye, before hurling back, in his squeaky voice, what became a classic zinger. “Well, Steve, I think there’s more than one way of looking at it. I think it’s more like we both had this rich neighbor named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it.”
- Es ist mir eine besondere Freude, auf den Umstand hinzuweisen, … Es gibt jetzt ein Transkript zum sehr hörenswerten „Alternativlos #20“ mit Frank Schirrmacher.
- Google denkt über Glasfasernetzwerk in Europa nach „Wir dürfen gespannt sein, ob und was Google in Europa plant und wie darauf die Telcos reagieren werden, die ja in letzter Zeit sich eher auf LTE zu konzentrieren scheinen. Sollte allerdings Google Bandbreiten im Bereich von 1 Gbit/s planen, dürfte die Schlange der Bewerberstädte eher lang werden. Ich finde es allerdings peinlich, daß europäische Firmen sich mit den Investitionen in Glasfasertechnologie derzeit eher zurückhalten und DSL quasi als Maß aller Dinge angepriesen wird.“
- Medientage München: Von Blogs und PDFs… „Wenn man wissen will, wie es früher war, dann geht man zu den Münchner Medientagen.“
- Amazon Embraces HTML5 for New E-Book Format „Amazon’s new full-color Kindle Fire tablet will arrive next month and with it will come a new e-book format that uses web standards to take advantage of the Fire’s new and improved features.
The new format, Kindle Format 8 (KF8), uses HTML5, CSS 3 formatting rules, embedded custom fonts and SVG graphics to create a richer toolset for book designers. It also means that if you can build a website, you can build a book.“ - Android Market: Deutsche Telekom erlaubt App-Einkauf per Rechnung – Golem.de „Mobilfunkkunden der Deutschen Telekom können ab sofort kostenpflichtige Anwendungen im Android Market über den Netzbetreiber bezahlen. Vodafone-Kunden steht diese Option seit August 2011 zur Verfügung.“
- Blogger to Integrate With Google+
- Steve Jobs: “I Admire Mark Zuckerberg For Not Selling Out” „“We talk about social networks in the plural,” Jobs told Isaacson, “but I don’t see anybody other than Facebook out there. Just Facebook, They are dominating this. I admire Mark Zuckerberg . . . for not selling out, for wanting to make a company. I admire that a lot.”“
- Facebook Will Probably Be More Profitable Than Amazon This Year „To put that in perspective, realize this – Facebook will likely be more profitable than Amazon this year. On a quarterly basis they’re already there. Amazon had $191 million operating income in Q2 and $322 million in Q1 (financials here). That’s $513 million v. Facebook’s $800 million for the first half of the year.“
- Dradio Wissen: Eine Weltorganisation für geistigen Reichtum?
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