Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Google Music: Download-Shop, EMI, UMG und Sony an Bord, Künstlerseiten, nur in den USA
- – Thisisgoingtobebig.com – Foursquare: The Second Inning „What I wouldn’t be surprised is if someone like Bing starts using Foursquare for their local search API. Imagine searching for breakfast in the East Village and having Bing ask you whether you want to see where people actually go and then asking whether or not you want this customized for where your friends go. Social searching is already a part of Google, too–who will show you when your friends have tweeted a result.
This would result in a lot more web signups where people give Foursquare their social graph to leverage off the friend data to get results. There are way more people that want to get recommendations than there are people wanting to check in.“ - Microsoft Socl: inside the company’s secret social network (exclusive) | The Verge „Note that Socl is a research project, so it’s possible that it won’t ever get released as a mainstream product, but we’re hearing it’s still going to be tested publicly. Socl is starting late to the game, so it’s no surprise that you can plug into the potential traffic firehose that is Facebook. While all of your searches and tags are visible to your friends on Socl, I’ve been told your Socl activity can be limited via Facebook’s lists. Otherwise, there’s not much here in the way of interacting privately with other users on Socl; no private messages, no @replies, and none of the curated, semi-private groups like Google’s circles.“
- Introducing Evernote Clearly: One Click for Distraction-Free Online Reading « Evernote Blogcast „Click on Clearly whenever you visit a blog post or article. Clearly slides in, showing an alternate view of the page without navigation, ads, or links to other content. When you’re done reading, click on the return arrow and Clearly slides out of the way, so you can continue browsing the site.“
- A Look At The Testimony Given At Today’s SOPA Lovefest Congressional Hearings… With A Surprise From MasterCard | Techdirt
- free – List of freely available programming books – Stack Overflow
- File-sharing has weakened copyright—and helped society
- Shootout at the digital corral – POLITICO.com „But even the Internet industry realizes it’s a David vs. an entertainment Goliath, which dug its roots into Washington decades before Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were born.“
- Acht Millionen Euro für Lieferheld und Delivery Hero | Gründerszene „Mit der Finanzierungsrunde in Höhe von acht Millionen Euro durch ru-Net, Kite Ventures, Team Europe und Point Nine Capital steigt das Gesamtinvestment in Lieferheld und Delivery Hero auf 15 Millionen Euro seit der Gründung.“
- 4,2 Millionen Dollar: Atomico investiert in 6Wunderkinder :: deutsche-startups.de „4,2 Millionen Dollar, umgerechnet rund 3,1 Millionen Euro. Das Geld stammt von der Londoner Investorengruppe Atomico, die vom Skype-Gründer Niklas Zennström geführt wird. Zusätzlich stockte auch Altinvestor High-Tech Gründerfonds sein Investment beim Berliner Start-up auf. Ansonsten sind bei 6Wunderkinder weiterhin T-Venture, der Beteiligungsableger der Deutschen Telekom, und e42, die Beteiligungsgesellschaft von Frank Thelen und Marc Sieberger, an Bord.“
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