Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Carrier IQ references discovered in Apple’s iOS | The Verge "chpwn notes that initial research indicated that Carrier IQ's software may only be active when the iPhone is in diagnostic mode. In a blog post, chpwn confirms that, based on his initial testing, Apple has added some form of Carrier IQ software to all versions of iOS, including iOS 5. However, the good news is that it does not appear to actually send any information so long as a setting called DiagnosticsAllowed is set to off, which is the default. Finally, the local logs on iOS seem to store much less information than what has been seen on Android, limited to some call activity and location (if enabled), but not any text from the web browser, SMS, or anywhere else."
- Researcher’s Video Shows Secret Software on Millions of Phones Logging Everything – Marco.org "Another potential failure of “open” systems: when a system is open to someone whose interests don’t line up very well with yours, like a cellular carrier, and then it’s closed and handed to you, you have no way to know that they didn’t sneak in huge security holes and privacy violations behind your back. "
- Apple: The Most Undervalued Large-Cap Stock in America
- After iOS, Box.Net Woos Android Developers with 50GB Free Space "In October, Box.Net offered 50GB of storage space to all iOS device owners. All they had to do was download the latest version of the Box.Net mobile application on their iPhone/iPad and login or sign up for a Box account. The same offer has now moved on to the Android platform for all owners of LG devices."
- Chart of the day, Apple valuation edition | Felix Salmon "In the eyes of the market, Apple earnings are worth less than those of Cisco, Comcast, IBM, or AT&T, and are worth just 13% of the earnings of Amazon."
- Daring Fireball Linked List: Imagine If It Were Apple
- Spotify wird facebookähnliche Plattform starten
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