Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Review: A Minecraft review isn’t really possible, but we’ll try anyway | VentureBeat
- Netflix Turns Off DVD Gift Subscriptions – Peter Kafka – News – AllThingsD Produktstrategie ist richtig. Aber die Kommunikationstrategie ist eigenwillig..at best.
- Inside Mobile Apps · Crowdstar Ends The Year By Pulling in 50 Percent of Its Current Revenues From Mobile "Crowdstar is pointing out that it’s now deriving half of its revenues through mobile, a jab at Zynga, which it says is probably earning less than 10 percent of its revenues from iOS and Android. (However, it’s worth pointing out that Zynga has six games in the U.S.’s top grossing 100 while Crowdstar has two.)"
- paidContent – Mobile "Other Android handset makers have their own custom user interfaces, all of which probably have slightly different hardware requirements. That makes it extremely difficult to enforce upgrade standards across partners because while Motorola’s phones may be able to handle the new software, Samsung’s may not. And forced to choose, those companies are more loyal to the experiences they developed themselves than Android updates."
- Interactioned (700,000 Daily Activations Isn’t Good News) "The last time Rubin talked about Android activations was back in June, when he said that 500,000 devices were being activated daily, and that they were seeing week-to-week activation growth of 4.4%. There’ve been about 25 weeks between the two tweets. Some quick math reveals that week-to-week growth since June hasn’t been anywhere close to the 4.4% Rubin was seeing. It’s now closer to 1.4%."
- Disqus crushes other comment systems in Technorati Top 100 | Royal Pingdom "But in the competition between third-party comment systems – the main ones being Disqus, Facebook Comments, IntenseDebate, and Livefyre – Disqus is in a commanding lead."
- parislemon • Most Popular* "Yesterday, Facebook made waves by revealing that a game called Gardens of Time was the “most popular” game on their platform in 2011. The only problem? It’s total bullshit."
- Streetside: Microsoft startet Kartendienst über Weihnachten | Digital | ZEIT ONLINE clever: "Ohne große Ankündigung will Microsoft seinen Dienst Streetside an den Weihnachtsfeiertagen in Deutschland einführen."
- Exciting Commerce: Oliver Samwer über seinen aggressiven Wachstumskurs
- Apple Newsstand Boost Popular Science Sales – Peter Kafka – Media – AllThingsD "And as Mag+ CEO Staffan Ekholm points out, the really promising indicator for Pop Sci isn’t the one-week sales leap of 13 percent — it’s that the the magazine’s growth picked up after that week, with more velocity."
- Pinterest Total Visits Increase by 4,000% in 6 Months "According to statistics announced by Hitwise, the social image bookmarking site received nearly 11 million visits during the week ending December 17, which is a staggering 4,000% increase in comparison to visitor statistics 6 months earlier in June, when it only had around 275,000 visitors."
- Rhapsody tops 1M paying subscribers, and its president has the shaved head to prove it – GeekWire
- Bestätigt: Rdio startet in Deutschland am 12.1.2012
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