Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- News.me Swoops In to Save Save Summify Users „News.me got popular with its iPad app, but it also offers an email digest with Summify-like functionality. Today it’s announcing a slew of new features: Facebook support, time zone support, and control over the number of articles and sending time for the email digest. News.me also wants to know what features Summify users want.“
- Christoph Kappes auf Google+ über Apple, China, Globalisierung und Arbeitsteilung „Die Digitalisierung gleicht informatorische Differenzen aus, ob bei Privatsphäre, bei *Leaks oder bei globalem Wissen. Das ist der Kern der Vervielfältigung.“
- Apple, America and a Squeezed Middle Class – NYTimes.com „“They could hire 3,000 people overnight,” said Jennifer Rigoni, who was Apple’s worldwide supply demand manager until 2010, but declined to discuss specifics of her work. “What U.S. plant can find 3,000 people overnight and convince them to live in dorms?”“
- Suchneutralität?
- You’re Not A Perfectionist, You’re Just Scared „Even Steve Jobs, noted tyrannical perfectionist, not only developed products that weren’t perfect, but actually shipped them. Because real artists ship. „
- Pick up the pitchforks: David Pogue underestimates Hollywood « Clay Shirky „And arguments like Pogue’s are dangerous not because they are pro-SOPA — Pogue himself is glad it is in trouble — but because they obscure the core historical fact: The American media industry tries to stifle user freedom. Every time. Every single time.
We should delight in the stand we’ve taken in favor of things like, say, notifications, and trials, and proof before censoring someone, but we should get ready to do it again next year, and the year after that. The risk now is not that SOPA will pass. The risk is that we’ll think we’ve won. We haven’t; they’ll be back. Get ready to have this fight again.“ - Neural network gets an idea of number without counting – New Scientist „Because the model was not preprogrammed with numerical capabilities, the feat suggests that this skill emerges due to general learning processes rather than number-specific mechanisms. „It answers the question of how numerosity emerges without teaching anything about numbers in the first place,“ says Marco Zorzi at the University of Padua in Italy, who led the work.“
- Jetzt offiziell: Google+ hat mehr als 90 Millionen Nutzer – GoogleWatchBlog
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