Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Cyberlocker Ecosystem Shocked As Big Players Take Drastic Action | TorrentFreak "In the wake of last week’s Megaupload shutdown, some of the biggest names in the market are taking drastic action. During the last 48 hours many sites have completely withdrawn their systems for paying uploaders when their files are shared with others, but one of the most dramatic moves came first from Filesonic and today Fileserve. Both services now forbid people from downloading any files they didn’t upload themselves."
- Tablet and E-book reader Ownership Nearly Double Over the Holiday Gift-Giving Period | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project "The share of adults in the United States who own tablet computers nearly doubled from 10% to 19% between mid-December and early January and the same surge in growth also applied to e-book readers, which also jumped from 10% to 19% over the same time period. The number of Americans owning at least one of these digital reading devices jumped from 18% in December to 29% in January."
- The Uphill Battle Of Social Event Sharing: A Post-Mortem for Plancast | TechCrunch Robert Scoble über Plancasts vergebene Chancen: "6. You never really got to the business model. That should have set off red flags for me. Yet no one else knew about my travels. I'm in Europe right now, which meant I spent more than $4,000 on travel and you couldn't monetize that at all? Nope. Why? Because you never made deals with AirBNB or Kayak or Hipmunk or other travel sites."
- SoundCloud hat jetzt 10 Millionen Mitglieder
- Soundcloud turns Instagram pics into retro slideshows — Tech News and Analysis "Storywheel.cc allows Instagram users to import their favorite photos and then simply record an audio narrative via Flash in their browser while clicking through their slides. The mashup is the newest product out of Soundcloud Labs, and was produced by two Soundcloud employees at a hackathon last year. Ljung told me via telephone that the company may add support for other image hosters down the line."
- The Uphill Battle Of Social Event Sharing: A Post-Mortem for Plancast | TechCrunch Gute Analyse von Mark Hendrickson: "Social networks (by my general definition and among which I count Plancast) are essentially systems for distributing content among people who care about each other, and the frequency at which its users can share that content on a particular network is critical to how much value it’ll provide them on an ongoing basis."
- Jonathan Coulton Lesenswerter Text von Musiker Jonathan Coulton. "I believe in copyright. I benefit from it. I don’t want it to go away. I love that we have laws and people to enforce them. But if I had to give up one thing, if I had to choose between copyright and the wild west, semi-lawless, innovation-fest that is the internet? I’ll take the internet every time."
- This post on Google+ statistics is a billion* times better than any other post | VentureBeat "But what concerns me most is that Google is touting these meaningless statistics in the hopes that journalists will misunderstand them and report that Google+ is seeing rapid growth. The bottom line is, those 60 percents, 80 percents and 90 million registered users are just there to mask the fact that Google doesn’t want to tell us how many people are actually using Google+."
- Nokia Lumia Sales Seen Topping 1 Million in Relief for Stock - Bloomberg "The Lumia handsets, which went on sale in Europe in November, probably sold 1.3 million units globally to operators and retailers by the end of last year, according to the average estimate of 22 analysts compiled by Bloomberg. The projections range from 800,000 to 2 million and only one analyst predicted sales of fewer than 1 million handsets."
- Tumblr's Inflection Point Came When Curators Joined Creators - Liz Gannes - Social - AllThingsD "When the site really took off was when the curators — people who primarily respond to other Tumblr users’ content by “reblogging” it on their own pages — came on board. Today creators are probably 10 percent of Tumblr, and curators are 90 percent, Karp estimated."
- Jack Dorsey on Social, SOPA and Asia - Liz Gannes - Social - AllThingsD "“We definitely see social as just one part of what people do on Twitter,” Dorsey said. “We think of it as an information utility and a communications network.”"Übersetzung: Anzahl an Interaktionen auf Twitter bleibt hinter den Erwartungen zurück.
- MyTaxi holt zehn Millionen app | Gründerszene Von u.a. Daimler: Sehr clevere Kombination. "Mehr als 60 Prozent aller deutschen Taxis kommen aus dem Hause Daimler." laut MyTaxi-Geschäftsführer.
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