15. März 2012 Lesezeit: 3 Min.

Aktuelles 15. März 2012

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • Amazon is No. 1. Who’s next in cloud computing?  "7: Facebook: Don’t laugh. It’s is a wildcard but Facebook is putting serious sweat into data centers. And it’s applying lessons learned to the Open Compute Project, which aims to apply open source development to hardware design. With more than 800 million users, Facebook knows a thing or two about cloud infrastructure. True, Facebook doesn’t offer cloud services now, but then again, Amazon used to just sell books. Facebook could evolve into many things. GigaOM’s Derrick Harris has already suggested that Facebook could be your next software vendor."
  • [Asymconf] What are the jobs that the entertainment industry is hired to do?  "The theory that seems to be in common use in the industry is that a few experts have the knack for knowing how to allocate the resources for what is created. These persons are entrusted with an increasingly large influence. There are only a few major studios for deciding what most of the world consumes in the form of either visual (cinematic) or audio (music) productions. The concentration of power is a result of the distribution model of physical media or broadcast networks. These are artifacts of a technological infrastructure that was built in the last century. An infrastructure whose replacement is unavoidable."
  • Kiwi Musician Says Public Domain Only Exists So You Can 'Rip Off Dead People's Works'  "How is that fair compared to most other professions? The bricklayer who has a stroke isn't able to pay the bills because by collecting a fee every time someone uses a building he built. No, the bricklayer and pretty much everyone else in every other profession has to actually save money and plan for their future."
  • Does Anyone Who Develops New Products In Hollywood Ask 'Would I Ever Actually Use This?'  "So, yeah. You go to a mall (physical) and download a special app (digital) which you then use to scan a silly QR code (digital) to be sent to a website (digital) to order a DVD (physical) to be shipped to your home (physical). There are a bunch of ridiculous extra steps here and I can't figure out how any of this makes sense. If you have people in a mall already and you're trying to get people to buy physical product, why not just let them scan and pick up the physical product? If you're focusing on the digital components, why require a specialized app that no one's going to want to download, and then not offer a digital version of the film?"
  • Why I doubted Facebook could build a billion dollar business, and what I learned from being horribly wrong  "The concrete lesson to be learned from this is: In the modern era, business models are a commodity. I never want to hear about people asking, “But what’s their business model?” because in a world where you can grow a userbase of 1 billion in a few years, displaying remnant ads and getting a $0.25 CPM will do. Or just throw some freemium model on it, and monetize 1% of them. If you can build the audience, you can build a big business."
  • Musikbusinessnews: Turntable.fm, GEMA, simfy, Path, Live Nation, VEVO und mehr
  • heise online | Copyright-Vorwurf: Brite soll an die USA ausgeliefert werden  Auslieferung wegen vermeintlicher Urheberrechtsverletzungen.. "Die US-Behörden werfen dem Studenten gewerbsmäßige Urheberrechtsverletzung vor. Auf "TVShack" wurden Links zu Kopien und Streams von Filmen und Fernsehsendungen veröffentlicht. Während O'Dwyers Verteidigung argumentiert, der Betreiber habe sich selbst keine Urheberrechtsverletzung zu Schulden kommen lassen, verweisen die US-Behörden auf Werbeeinnahmen im niedrigen sechsstelligen Bereich, die O'Dwyer mit der Website erwirtschaftet haben soll."
  • ePetition: 50000+ für Aussetzen der Ratifizierung von ACTA › netzpolitik.org  "Die Petition “Urheberrecht – Aussetzen der Ratifizierung von ACTA” im ePetitionsystem des Deutschen Bundestages hat eben die Marke von 50.000 Mitzeichnern überschritten. Damit wurde die symbolische Grenze überschritten, wenngleich nicht innerhalb der vier Wochen, die momentan benötigt werden, um definitiv eine Anhörung im Petitionsausschuss zu gewinnen. Aber da der Petitionsausschuss auch nicht unbedingt an diese Marke gebunden ist und aufgrund des großen öffentlichen Interesses sind die Chancen hoch, dass der Petent Herbert Bredthauer und sein Anliegen trotzdem angehört werden."

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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