27. März 2012 Lesezeit: 1 Min.

Google kann keine einfache Einladung für Google I/O aussenden

Um zu sehen, was mit Google in letzter Zeit auf grundlegender Ebene falsch läuft, muss man sich lediglich anschauen, wie Google die Einladungen für die Entwicklerkonferenz Google I/O gestaltet. Jeffrey Zeldman:

My Google+ account is assigned to my Gmail address. But instead of writing to me there, Google wrote to me at my zeldman.com address. My zeldman.com address is actually managed via Gmail, so I should be able to log into my Google+ account whether I am signed in as my Gmail identity or my zeldman.com identity, but Google+ doesn’t work that way. Google+ only works for free Gmail accounts. It does not work for paid corporate accounts like mine. That has always seemed an odd decision to me: if you can only provide services to a subgroup of your users, why not choose the subgroup that pays? But I am not Google.

So Google wrote to my zeldman.com address, which they won’t allow me to associate with my Google+ address, to invite me to start a Google+ account (which I already have) on my zeldman.com account, which they won’t support. And if I do that (which I can’t), and some other complicated stuff, they promise that I will then be able to participate in Google IO, whatever that is.

Google zerbricht an der eigenen Komplexitität und der Unfähigkeit, diese auf eine Art aufzulösen, die beim Endnutzer nicht zu Kopfschmerzen führt.

Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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