Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Apple selects TomTom as primary iOS 6 maps provider (update: confirmed) – Engadget
- Google Reaches Landmark Agreement with French Publishers
- Apple introduces Power Nap OS X feature that updates your Mac while it’s sleeping — Engadget
- Apple Gives Facebook Deep Integration Into iOS 6 With Siri, Sharing, App Store, API | TechCrunch "Apple just announced at WWDC 2012 that Facebook will be deeply integrated into iOS 6 including single sign-on for apps, quick sharing from Notifications, Siri integration, better contact syncing, sharing buttons in the iTunes and App Stores, and a public API.
This stunningly comprehensive integration could see Apple and Facebook teaming up to fight off Google Android and launch more products together."
- Apple Announces iOS 6 Will Allow FaceTime Calls Over Cellular Networks Step-by-step-disruption.
- Apple Announces 30bn App Downloads, 400m Accounts and 650,000 Apps
- Musikbusinessnews: MOG, Live Nation, Napster, Vjay, Spotify und mehr
- DOJ tries to block return of data to MegaUpload user | Internet & Media – CNET News Es soll unter allen Umständen die irrige Annahme aufrechterhalten werden, Megaupload wäre nur, und zwar ausschließlich, für illegale Zwecke genutzt worden:
"Returning videos to Kyle Goodwin, a former MegaUpload user, would set a bad precedent, the U.S. said in documents, copies of which were obtained by CNET." - Is this the end of Windows Server? « Technology Treason
- Pro (Advertising) Choice | Monday Note "The conclusion is obvious: behavioral advertising is backfiring. The more experienced users become, the more cautious they get in order to avoid aggressive tracking. For advertisers, this is the exact opposite of what they meant to achieve. And I take the trend will accelerate. Marketers have more sense of efficiency than of measure; they were quick to embrace these clever technologies without considering they might end up killing the golden goose. It is happening much earlier than anyone has anticipated."
- Slides: Direkte Leser-Beziehungen als Chance für Autoren aller Art | Leander Wattig
- Exciting Commerce: Großes Geld für Gemvara, Sensee, Westwing, Moda Operandi, Digitec, Wattpad, Lending Club
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