Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Deallocated Objects – The Case of Missing Podcasts in iOS 6
- Universal Music and Major Publishing Group Reach Agreement Over Vevo, YouTube Royalties – The Hollywood Reporter
- Berliner Startup Moped mit Millionenfinanzierung | Gründerszene
- Leistungsschutzrecht: Was ist von den “Fakten und Argumenten” des BDZV zu halten? | Internet-Law
- Journalistengewerkschaft dju geht gegen kritische Berichterstattung vor
- AKEP Jahrestagung: Sascha Lobo gründet eigenen Verlag: Sobooks | Digitales | boersenblatt.net
- Why Microsoft’s Surface Tablet Shames the PC Industry – Businessweek „Microsoft, in many ways, helped create this mess that Panos et al are trying to fix. Along with Intel, it sucked all the profits out of the PC industry, leaving HP and Dell to rely on manufacturing companies in Taiwan for their innovative twists. The result has been the Great Stagnation, during which PC makers have been throwing smartphone and tablet designs over the wall, only to see them ignored en masse. With Windows 8 coming this fall, Microsoft could not afford to let that happen again. Needing a strong response to the iPad,vit decided to build one. Yet, I’m not sure how committed Microsoft is to this hardware-making thing over the long haul. It showed this technology off months before the arrival of Windows 8, has yet to release pricing details, and says it will deliver these beautiful products only through Microsoft channels. This does not sound like a full-on break with the PC makers. „
- Spotify führt kostenfreies Radio für mobile Apps ein
- Wie Etsy den Facebook-Commerce auf die Website holt
- Demonstration am 25.06.2012 gegen Gebührenerhöhung der GEMA
- Microsoft Surface: 10.6 Zoll Hybride mit Windows RT und Windows 8 vorgestellt Viele Fotos.
- Tools und Freischreiber gegen Leistungsschutzrecht › netzpolitik.org
- Institut für Kommunikation in sozialen Medien » Vortrag: Social Media für Non-Profit-Organisationen
- Klout: We’ve Delivered 700K Perks Across 350 Campaigns | TechCrunch
- ACTA Not Dead Yet: Supporters Make Final Push For EU Approval, May Seek Secret Ballot | Techdirt „However, much more concerning is a rumor, passed along by MEP Marietje Schaake, that there will be a request for a secret ballot. In other words, elected officials know that their constituency, the European public, is vehemently against ACTA, but they don’t want to be held accountable for their votes. A secret ballot on proposals like this only serve to support corruption and positions that go against the will of the people. Hopefully, enough in the EU Parliament realize just how bad it will look to the public (not just in Europe, but around the globe) should they agree to a secret ballot concerning ACTA.“
- Facebook Acquires Facial Recognition Technology Company Face.com – Mike Isaac – Social – AllThingsD
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