The irony is that by thinking small, Apple became the biggest company that ever was.
The trick to thinking small is the same as that of “focusing” which means saying no, a lot. I touched on this in February 2011. Focusing is the willful rejection of the Nobel-prize winning theory of portfolios.
Wenn man die Produktpalette von Apple der von Samsung oder Sony oder Nokia gegenüberstellt, wird klar wie außergewöhnlich der von Apple beschrittene Weg ist.
Apple hat mit dem immensen Erfolg der letzten Jahre gezeigt, dass Produktverständnis wichtiger ist als Portfoliosicherheit. Dediu:
Understanding the “fundamentals” of a product is far more important than having lots of products for the sake of diversification alone.
The fundamentals of a product are knowing its job to be done and thus its requirements which, when well executed, will position it precisely and unambiguously on an opportunity.
Oder um es mit Warren Buffett zu sagen:
Diversification is a protection against ignorance. It makes little sense for those who know what they’re doing.
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