Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- An alternate universe – Marco.org "The store is creepy: so many elements are embarrassingly similar to the Apple Store on the next floor. Microsoft even ripped off trivial elements that easily could have been different, such as the employee uniform. There’s a huge elephant in the room, and we can all see it, but Microsoft still implicitly denies it."
- Exciting Commerce: Qype und die Exitschwäche der deutschen Gründerszene
- Googles Entwicklungschef bestätigt das Samsung Nexus 10 Erst 7, jetzt 10. Wie wollen sie die Nexii nächstes Jahr nennen?
- Netflix reaches 30M streaming subscribers | VentureBeat
- Imgur evolves into an image-only version of Reddit | VentureBeat
- GEMA bastelt sich ihre erwünschten Umfrageergebnisse
- 4,5 Millionen Deutsche nutzen Streamingdienste
- Nutzung des Internet als tägliches Nachrichtenmedium (Acta 2012) – holgerschmidt’s posterous
- Tim Cook: About That iPad Number…
- Lawless, unproven filtering and blocking of content as “best practice” "Both the European Commission and the United States appear to think that widespread, suspicionless upload filtering is “best practice”."
- How To Read Kindle Books In iBooks, And Keep Your Library In The Cloud [How-To] | Cult of Mac
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