Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- How to Get Startup Ideas " Live in the future, then build what’s missing."
- New Book Makes The Case For Why Copyright Needs To Be Reformed
- Telekom muss über Netlock informieren
- Daring Fireball Linked List: Jakob Nielsen Excoriates the Usability of Windows 8
- Amazon’s Jeff Bezos: The ultimate disrupter – QUOTE.fm "A favorite Bezos aphorism is "Your margin is my opportunity.""
- Why big data could sink Europe’s ‘right to be forgotten’ — European technology news "If data gets aggregated and crunched by analytics software, you can’t say in all cases that the process can’t be reverse-engineered, particularly when you’re correlating different sets of derived data. But getting it out is, well, a challenge."
- Coding Horror: Touch Laptops "I like the Yoga 13 a lot, and it is getting deservedly good reviews. Some reviewers think it's the best Windows 8 laptop available right now. It is a fine replacement for my ultrabook, and as long as you fix the brain-damaged default drive partitioning, scrape off the handful of stickers on it, and uninstall the few pre-installed craplets, it is eminently recommendable. You can also easily upgrade it from 4 GB to 8 GB of RAM for about $40."
- Bestandsaufnahme: 1 Million Apps nach 4 App-Store-Jahren "Wie dem auch sei. Der ausschließlich quantitative Blick auf den Software-Bestand ist inzwischen unwichtig. Aktueller Maßstab ist die Qualität der Apps sowie die Nutzungszeit der Kunden, um aussagekräftige Rückschlüsse über das Ökosystem und die Plattform zu tätigen."
- net-politics.eu: Neuer Podcast über europäische Netzpolitik direkt aus Brüssel
- GetGlue Acquired by Competitor for $25 Million Plus Stock "The acquisition comes as something of a surprise, given that Viggle is a much younger and lesser-known brand. GetGlue, which was launched in 2007, has 3.2 million registered users, while Viggle, which was founded in mid-2010 and launched its social check-in app a little less than a year ago, has 1.2 million."
- Why Opera thrives in Europe’s last dictatorship >> Quartz " ”One of the main reasons why Opera has a large market share in Belarus is because of the Internet infrastructure in the country; it was pretty bad a few years ago,” Espen André Øverdahl, one of Opera’s community managers wrote in an email, pointing to features that allow users to strip out images and other bandwidth-gobbling web extras."
- Sina Weibo überschreitet 400 Millionen Nutzer – Alibaba will einsteigen – IT-TIMES
- Exciting Commerce: Online-Supermärkte scheitern an der Anschlussfinanzierung
- e-book-news.de » Online toppt offline: Amazon erreicht auf US-Buchmarkt 27 Prozent Marktanteil
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