Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- I am Facebook Friends With Ryan Lanza, Which Became A Problem | Matt Bors
- The short head, the long tail and buying expensive scaffolding
- Welcome to my beach
- Paul Krugman: Asimov’s Foundation novels grounded my economics "I've been struck these past several years by just how much power good economics has to make correct predictions that are very much at odds with popular prejudices and "common sense"."
- Roger Ebert on how the press reports mass killings – Boing Boing
- It’s not Twitter — this is just the way the news works now — Tech News and Analysis "Looks like another occasion for MSM to blame social for spreading rumors when many of the rumors spread to social *from* MSM."
- Studie: Entwickler wenig interessiert an Kindle Fire und Microsoft Surface | ZDNet.de "Amazons Kindle Fire basiert zwar auf Android, verbirgt das aber vollständig unter einer eigenen Oberfläche und ersetzt den Google Play Store durch einen eigenen App-Shop. Nur 21 Prozent der befragten Entwickler mobiler Apps sind “sehr interessiert”, Anwendungen für Amazons Kindle Fire zu entwickeln, da seine “Installationsbasis und die potenziellen Einnahmen zu gering sind, um zur Entwicklung für diese Plattform zu reizen”.
- The Pinboard Investment Co-Prosperity Cloud "The project aims to draw attention to the fact that if you have access to technical labor, the startup and operating costs for an online project in 2013 are negligible. The biggest obstacle to creating something useful is finding the time to build it and attracting an initial pool of paying customers."
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