Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Verlegerverband moniert Textlastigkeit der „heute“-App | heise online
- “Did we just rip off Marco Arment and The Magazine?” – Marco.org "The app is secondary — it’s just a container. I’m not going to get a meaningful number of new subscribers because I add a new setting or theme. This is why publishers like Condé Nast can have such mediocre, reader-hostile apps: the apps don’t matter as much as we like to think. The content and the audience matter much more than what color your links are."
- TitanPad: LSR-Freie
- ProSiebenSat.1 steigt nach MyParfum auch bei Flaconi ein "Jenseits des bisherigen Beteiligungsgeschäfts will sich Seven Ventures künftig wie Axel Springer und viele andere Medienhäuser auch als Inkubator und Accelerator versuchen (siehe auch das VC-Update zur Inkubatorschwemme).
Offenbar sind in der Medienbranche die Erfahrungen mit dem elab von Holtzbrinck schon verdrängt."
- Game Of Thrones Director: I’m 100% Opposed To The Piracy I Just Said Helps My Show Survive
- Could Open Source Software Be Put Into The Public Domain Instead? "The key point is that the code without the community that creates it is pretty much dead. A company may gain a short-term advantage in taking public domain code and enclosing it, but by refusing to give back its changes, it loses any chance of collaborating with the coders who are writing the future versions. It will have no influence, and no way of raising issues of particular concern that help it with its products. Instead, it will have to keep up the development of its own version of the code single-handed. That's likely to be costly at best, and may even be impossible except for the very largest companies (Apple is an example of one that has succeeded, basing its Mac OS X operating system on the free BSD version of Unix.)"
- sloblog.io Eine Art zweites svbtle. (Via netzwertig)
- Steve Mann: My “Augmediated” Life – IEEE Spectrum "I’ve built dozens of these systems, which improve my vision in multiple ways. Some versions can even take in other spectral bands. If the equipment includes a camera that is sensitive to long-wavelength infrared, for example, I can detect subtle heat signatures, allowing me to see which seats in a lecture hall had just been vacated, or which cars in a parking lot most recently had their engines switched off. Other versions enhance text, making it easy to read signs that would otherwise be too far away to discern or that are printed in languages I don’t know."
- Musikbusinessnews: Amazon, Wahwah, Deezer
- E Ink Android Phone Lasts a Week, Weighs Next to Nothing
- „Keine Kehrtwende“ bei Snippets: Koalition verteidigt Presseschutz – n-tv.de "Ob Google nun von der Regelung ausgenommen ist, ließ die Union bewusst offen. "Es kommt auf die Länge der Anrisse an", sagte Krings. Das müssten Verlage und Suchmaschinenanbieter untereinander aushandeln. Mit einer Klagewelle, wie von Kritikern befürchtet, rechnen die Fachleute der Koalition nicht. "In Einzelfällen wird es mal eine gerichtliche Klärung geben", sagte der FDP-Abgeordnete Stephan Thomae."
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