Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- How much did Dropbox pay for Mailbox? — Tech News and Analysis "So how much did Dropbox pay for Mailbox? My sources are putting the number at north of $50 million. At least one source claimed that the final amount was a lot closer to $100 million. My sources say that the company was in talks with Yahoo but it was bested by Facebook, who in turn was beaten to the punch by Dropbox. Dropbox is valued at about $4 billion and has become an active acquirer of small teams and tiny startups."
- It’s Not Just Reader – Google Kills Its RSS Subscription Browser Extension, Too | TechCrunch
- Krautfunding 3.0 ist da: Crowdfunding made in Germany startet durch
- RSS unsortiert kluge Fedanken von Carsten Pötter.
- Samsung Launches The Galaxy S4
- OneTab extension for Google Chrome – save 95% memory and reduce tab clutter "Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab icon to convert all of your tabs into a list. When you need to access the tabs again, you can either restore them individually or all at once.
When your tabs are in the OneTab list, you will save up to 95% of memory because you will have reduced the number of tabs open in Google Chrome."
- LSR – Wie Robert Basic Christoph Keese beim Zünden von Nebelkerzen hilft | der presseschauer
- cortesi – Google, destroyer of ecosystems "A hyper competitive space with dozens of choices? Reader made its first public appearance a couple of months before this, in October 2005. I remember this period well – it was a time of immense excitement, when RSS seemed to be the future, the news ecosystem was vibrant, and this thing called the blogosphere, fueled by peer subscription, was doubling in size every six months. It was into this magic garden that Google wandered, like a giant toddler leaving destruction in its wake. Reader was undeniably a good product, but it's best quality was also its worst: it was free. Subsidized by Google's immense search profits, it never had to earn its keep, and its competitors started to die. Over time, the "hyper competitive" RSS reader market turned into a monoculture. Today, on the eve of its shutdown, RSS more or less means "Google Reader" to a large fraction of readers, to the extent where even the best feed readers on IOS are just Google Reader clients1."
- Feedbin "A fast, simple RSS feed reader that delivers a great reading experience.
$2/mo" - As Google Reader is killed off, Flipboard, Feedly and others step up with RSS alternatives – The Next Web
- Superfeedr : State of RSS Readers
- Unintended Consequences Of Google Reader Shutdown: Losing Key Tool To Get Around Censored Internet In Iran & China | Techdirt Lite
- Universal Music, Samsung launch Kleek music streaming service in Africa | The Verge
- Internet-Law » FAZ mahnt Blogger ab "Der streitbare Blogger und Historiker Klaus Graf hat eine Abmahnung der FAZ bekommen. Wegen eines Blogpostings vom 03.02.2013 fordert ihn der Justitiar der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung auf, die Behauptung zu unterlassen, Heike Schmoll – eine Autorin der FAZ – sei die Freundin und/oder die Lebensgefährtin von Annette Schavan.
Jetzt besteht das Problem zunächst darin, dass Klaus Graf das in seinem Blogbeitrag überhaupt nicht behauptet hat. "
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