15. Apr. 2013 Lesezeit: 1 Min.

Aktuelles 15. April 2013

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • Einladung: Diskussionsabend mit Techdirt-CEO Mike Masnick  "Der CEO und Gründer des renommierten amerikanischen Technologie-Blogs Techdirt Mike Masnick kommt nach Berlin. Am 25. April ab 19 Uhr gibt es die Möglichkeit mit ihm über den digitalen Wandel in der Kreativindustrie zu diskutieren. Zur Veranstaltung laden neben Philipp Otto von iRights der Abgeordnete Peter Tauber vom cnetz, Ben Scott von der Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, Nico Lumma von D64 und Jiannis Koudounas vom Internet und Gesellschaft Collaboratory ein."
  • Pandora with friends: Turntable launches Piki, a social radio app for iPhone and web | The Verge  ""We realized early on that Turntable's best feature was also a problem: everybody has to be in a room at exactly the same time," says Billy Chasen, Turntable CEO. As time went on Chasen envisioned a complimentary service that let you listen to your friends' music picks even when they're not online. Today he's launching Piki, a Pandora-like free radio service for the iPhone and web backed by your friends tastes instead of algorithms."
  • Now Backed By Andreessen & More, OpenCoin Looks To Build A Better Bitcoin — And A Universal Payment Ecosystem | TechCrunch  "OpenCoin will use its new capital to expand the open-source code behind Ripple, which, for those unfamiliar, is a virtual currency and payment system that aims to make it easy and affordable for anyone to trade any amount in any currency. Headed by financial services veterans like CEO Chris Larsen, who is also the founder of P2P lending giant Prosper, OpenCoin is on a mission to create a new kind of global currency."

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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