Will Page, Director of economic development bei Spotify, zeigt an einem Beispiel, wie ein Song auf und über Spotify berühmt werden kann:
Using the recent example of the hit single “Royals” from New Zealand singer Ella Yelich-O’Connor (aka Lorde), Page explained that sharing on Spotify was pretty evenly distributed between people adding the song to playlists, listening to the song on other people’s playlists, and finding it via Spotify organically (via search). However, when Spotify’s Sean Parker added Royals to his “Hipster International” playlist back in April, the song went super nova — grabbing a significant increase in listener activity over the next 24 hours and pushing her to the second most popular song on Spotify two weeks later.
Die Macht populärer Playlists.
Die Auswirkungen können signifikant sein und sind nicht auf Spotify beschränkt:
It also suggests that Spotify is actively helping to diversify hit songs across the board. For instance, last week Lorde reached the top 10 on Billboard’s Alternative music chart — the first time a female lead musician has done so in 17 years.
Der Song hätte vielleicht auch ohne Spotify die Charts erklommen, aber es erscheint recht naheliegend, dass Spotify zumindest eine tragende Rolle beim Erfolg des Liedes gespielt hat.
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