Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Hotshot CEO Aaron Levie Will Only Own 4.1% Of Box When It IPOs, Investor DFJ Owns 25.5% | TechCrunch "Another way to put it is that Levie didn’t have much choice. Box needed that funding. The startup is not profitable and notes in its plan to raise $250 million with an IPO that “we do not expect to be profitable for the foreseeable future.” As Alex Wilhelm lays out in his summary of the S-1 document, Box saw losses of $168 million from January 2013-2014, largely due to huge advertising expenses. It looks like all that equity Levie traded away was to bring in money so Box could seduce enterprise CIOs into buying it."
- Levietation: a believer’s rise to the top "Importantly, we’ve built a company that moves quickly. Our industry is in a permanent state of change. We’ve seen companies that were once wildly successful become shadows of their former selves. While you never know for sure what’s around the corner, it’s the speed with which you respond to changes that determines success or failure. At times, we may get some things wrong, but we respond quickly and “fail fast.” Aaron Levie, CEO Letter, Page 75, S–1 Filing for Box"
- Box files IPO: Big losses mask bigger ambitions
- K5 Cruise: Das Spannendste von der Schiffstour nach Oslo
- Filmempfehlungen: Wie Moviepilot mit der USA-Expansion ein großer Coup gelang
- Masters of Their Own Destiny | Fast Company | Business + Innovation "Facebook didn't have designs on the $55 billion server market. It took matters in its own hands and ended up creating a competitor that Dell, HP, and IBM didn't see coming. Facebook, thanks to its sheer size and complexity, is the standard-bearer for the data-rich, highly networked future of information. When it designs machines to handle its workloads, it's creating the next-generation server. The big-hardware makers let the tail wag the dog."
- The real Industry 4.0 revolution is in business models Bosch über sich und Internet of Things.
- Lovelybooks: “Facebook für Bücher” öffnet sich weiter für Indie-Autoren | eBook-Fieber.de
- Ticketfly Sold 11.2 Million Tickets Last Year
- generation remix
- 5s vs. 5c: Der Mix bedeutet nix.
- Allmende: Wir müssen nur wollen | Carta
- Are You Cynical Enough to Hate Upworthy? -- Daily Intelligencer "Curators like Eisenberg trawl the web for “seeds”—content to feature on the site—and develop them into “nuggets.” A nugget is, for the most part, a list of 25 potential headlines, developed in a kind of high-octane one-person brainstorming session. Then comes “click testing.” Curators load potential headlines and thumbnail images into a testing system, which shows each option to a small sample of the site’s visitors, tracking their actions—did they click it, did they share it? The system used to return detailed numerical feedback on each option, but it was decided that hard numbers overinfluenced the curators; now it tags options with things like “bestish” and “very likely worse.” There’s fact-checking and copyediting and internal discussion involved—nuggets take days to actually wind up on the site—but the process itself, as played out in bedrooms and kitchens and back offices across the country, is surprisingly simple: Find something. Ask yourself, “If a million people see this, will it make the world a better place?” (“If we can’t say yes to that,” says Koechley, “then we’re not going to post it”; many things on the site suggest a loose interpretation of this rule, but he says they’re working to keep raising the bar.) Keep writing headlines, and keep testing them until the results are maximally explosive."
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