Vevo, die Musikvideoplattform, die ein Joint Venture von Majorlabeln und YouTube ist, stand längere Zeit zum Verkauf. Nun haben sich die Labels gegen einen Verkauf entschieden, wie die New York Post berichtet und wollen Vevo weiter ausbauen. Angesichts des vor dem Umbruch stehenden TV-Geschäfts sicher keine schlechte Idee.
Vevo is the fifth’s-biggest destination on the Web, pulling in 43.5 million uniques — placing it just behind Google, Facebook, AOL and Yahoo!, according to ComScore’s July data, released Monday.
Vevo derives most of its traffic from YouTube, but, sources said, Rio Caraeff, president and CEO, has done a good job loosening its reliance on the No. 1 video streaming site by pushing its syndicated platform across the Web.
Das in Portland sitzende Vadio Inc., ein Musikvideodienstleister, hat just mit Vevo einen Deal abgeschlossen, um Musikvideos zu Webradiodiensten zu bringen:
The goal of the partnership is to help Web radio services host music videos, which command higher rates for advertising, according to Vadio Chief Executive Officer Bryce Clemmer. Vevo’s videos and the ads that appear on them will provide additional revenue as competition for listeners grows from streaming services such as Spotify Ltd. and Pandora Media Inc.
„What we’re doing is taking any audio stream, something like iHeartRadio, Pandora or Spotify, and evolving it to video,“ Clemmer said in an interview. „Most content delivered through services like Pandora is audio content, and that’s been very hard to monetize profitably.“
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