Was passiert jetzt als nächstes, nachdem die EU die extrem schlecht geschriebene Urheberrechtsrichtlinie tatsächlich verabschiedet hat?
Mike Masnick fasst es auf Techdirt zusammen:
And, now, the big question is how will the various countries implement the law. Technically, they have two years to do so, and this should be watched closely. France’s culture minister has already said he’s hopeful that France will implement the law by the summertime, so that country may be the first. That would be interesting, considering that France has also been the most committed to the absolute worst ideas around the law. France may then „set the standard“ for how to implement Articles 11 and 13 in a manner that some smaller countries may mimic. Of course, if France actually follows through on the dumbest of all implementations (a decent possibility), it will also make for an interesting test case to see if companies simply decide to block services in France.
Either way, once the laws are implemented, we expect there will be legal challenges to them, and then we’ll have years of court battles to fight, while the EU continues to wonder why successful internet companies don’t seem to ever come from the EU…
Es werden turbulente Jahre, in denen Europa an wichtigen Stellen, an denen es global bereits hinten liegt, weiter zurückfallen wird.