Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- About that Bloomberg report of 'falling iPad mini demand' - Apple 2.0 -Fortune Tech Journalisten denken sich Aussagen aus, Pt. 275.
- Ouya raises $15M from Kleiner Perkins and Mayfield and delays launch | GamesBeat "Other investors include Nvidia, Shasta Ventures, and Occam Partners. Ouya’s plan is to disrupt the game console business. It plans to do so by using open-source software on inexpensive, Nvidia Tegra-based hardware that runs Android games from the mobile world that you can play on big-screen TVs in the living room with a game controller. Ouya has been shipping consoles to players who preordered the system since March."
- Facebook Previews New Features For Home, Which Is Near 1M Downloads And Increases Users’ Time Spent On Facebook By 25% | TechCrunch
- Box buys Crocodoc to display files more beautifully in any browser | CITEworld "Perhaps more important from a strategic point of view, Crocodoc's technology will be available to the approximately 17,000 developers building on the Box platform, not just to Box end-customers. Box also believes Crocodoc will help it appeal to users in vertical industries -- an increasing area of focus for the company. For instance, it could be used by medical app makers to display medical documents and files, or by the architectural industry to display CAD files."
- Netflix, Reed Hastings Survive Missteps to Join Silicon Valley's Elite - Businessweek
- LinkedIn wächst weiter "Im ersten Quartal legte der Umsatz gegenüber dem Vorjahresvergleichsquartal um 72 Prozent auf 325 Millionen Dollar (249 Millionen Euro) zu. Davon blieben als Gewinn unterm Strich 23 Millionen Dollar übrig – fast fünfmal so viel wie im Vorjahreszeitraum."
- Mikroblogging: Identi.ca wechselt die Software-Plattform
- Jawbone UP Becomes A Platform With New Partners, Open API Coming Soon | TechCrunch “A lot of these platform announcements like API releases are more PR than they are actual real developers on a platform building value for users,” he said. “We spent a lot of time sitting with developers, looking at what they can enable, what their data structure was, how to pull their experience back into UP, how you really create robustness around them, how to build APIs that work dependably and how we can make sure users can get this stuff.”
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