Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Universal Music CEO: We're Not In This To Make Art | Techdirt "It always seems that, in these discussions, there's often an implicit conflict between art and commerce, when there doesn't need to be. But if someone's defending commerce, it should be clear that's what they're defending, and they shouldn't try to confuse that by claiming that they're really defending art or culture. Art and culture will live on no matter what. Commerce will shift around to the markets most appropriate. Neither need defending on their own, as they seem to survive just fine. The only thing struggling is one particular sector of the entertainment industry which built a "hit driven" business based on being a gatekeeper. And now we live in a world where such gatekeepers aren't necessary, and businesses can be built in other ways."
- ‘Facebook-Kamera’ nun auch im DE-Store – iPhoneBlog.de
- Quora Arrives on Android, Complete With Voice Search, Widgets And A Deep Search Integration
- Flipboard dips its toes into commerce with its first ‘shop-able’ catalog
- Wolfram Alpha Makes CrunchBase Data Computable Just In Time For Disrupt SF
- It’s Official: The Ubuntu LiveCD is Dead
- The Royal Nokia Screw-Up That Shouldn't Have Been "So, sure, blame Microsoft. Redmond should have gotten the OS done sooner. It should have had it done in the summer so that manufacturers could have released their devices early in the fall. At the very least, Microsoft could have given Nokia—its primary hardware partner and the only remaining hope for Windows Phone’s success—some kind of dispensation to release phones carrying a not-quite-final version of the OS, allowing for launch alongside the iPhone. In hands-on videos with the Lumia, after all, Windows Phone looks pretty much done, and its “release to manufacturing” date is next week—so it’s not like Microsoft and Nokia couldn’t have done something, given their terrible market positions, to accelerate the launch."
- Airlines begin integrating Passbook for mobile boarding passes ahead of iOS 6 launch | 9to5Mac oha, das ging schnell.
- Amazon's Jeff Bezos Positions Kindles Against iPads - Peter Kafka - Media - AllThingsD "In his words: “We want to make money when people use our devices, not when they buy our devices.”"
- All new Kindle Fire models are ad-supported | The Verge
- Amazon Kindle Paperwhite hands-on pictures and video | The Verge
- Die Wahrheit über die Wahrheit: Die neuen Drogenerfahrungen sind da! ""Droge Zucker" (Der Spiegel 36/2012) "Droge Computerspiel" (BR, 30.7.2012) "Droge Internet" (ARD, 22.5.2012) "Droge Fett" (Süddeutsche.de, 30.3.2012) "Droge Mobilität" (Rhein-Zeitung.de, 25.12.2010) "Droge Sex" (Stern.de, 30.5.2007) "Droge Handy" (Abendblatt.de, 8.5.2006) "Droge Sport" (Donaukurier.de, 12.4.2006)" etc. (via Felix Schwenzel)
- Bittorrent-Filesharer werden massenhaft überwacht | heise online "Bei der Analyse der über die Plattform The Pirate Bay zugänglichen Inhalte, haben die Forscher beobachtet, dass vorwiegend die jeweiligen Top 100 überwacht werden. Mit Abstand am stärksten konzentrierten sich die Kontrollsysteme dabei auf Torrents zu Film- und Musikdateien. Wer solch eine Datei über Bittorrent tauscht, dessen IP-Adresse wird innerhalb von drei Stunden registriert, so die Forscher. Je höher die Medieninhalte dabei in der Gunst der Pirate-Bay-Nutzer stehen, desto geringer ist dieser Zeitraum."
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