11. Nov. 2011 Lesezeit: 2 Min.

Aktuelles 11. November 2011

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • Formspring launches ‘Interests’ in move toward revenue — Tech News and Analysis "Formspring, the social Q&A site, has built up a big following in the two years since it launched. The website sees more than 30 million unique visitors each month, and now there are 27 million registered users who frequent Formspring to ask and answer questions with their friends, and a collection of celebrities who interact with fans on the site."
  • → Motorola’s Gimmicks "Their willingness to develop and ship gimmicks are their biggest advantage, because no matter how many people buy iPhones, there’s always going to be that one guy who thinks he needs the 3D camera kickstand projector phone with the shitty screen."
  • Yammer Now Works With Box.net and Five Other Cloud Services - Arik Hesseldahl - News - AllThingsD "I talked with Yammer co-founder Adam Pisoni, who told me it all comes down to working with the open APIs of pretty much any service. That means there will be a lot more integrations like this."
  • Pac-Man | asymco "Sony and Nintendo may take some comfort from their console businesses which have not felt the same impact from mobility, but one wonders how long those franchises will last. Using an iPad with screen mirroring to a large screen TV already shows promise."
  • How does Sony make money? – SplatF "During six of the past nine quarters, Sony’s financial services business has generated more operating income than any other segment. (Though last quarter wasn’t particularly good, because of poor investment performance at Sony Life. See earnings PDF for details.) Meanwhile, the consumer electronics business has been a money loser over that period."
  • Wieviel Netzpolitik steckt wirklich in den Grünen? bei Metronaut.de – Big Berlin Bullshit Blog
  • Vom schleichenden Ende des Vinyls "Ich glaube, dass für die heranwachsenden Generationen, zumindest für den musikinteressierten Teil unter ihnen, visualisierbare Hörgewohnheiten von Last.fm bis Facebook das Vinyl-Regal als Distinktionsgrundlage ersetzen. Mit dem Vinyl-Regal lassen sich auch keine verteilbaren Playlists erstellen."
  • Grove.io - Hosted IRC and so much more
  • Nicht Urheberrecht ist das Kernthema - Die wunderbare Welt von Isotopp ""Mittellos" ist eine Autorin nicht wegen des Rechtes, sondern wegen der Leichtigkeit, mit der jeder kreieren, publizieren, kuratieren und kommunizieren kann. Die Autorin tritt nicht mehr gegen die Texte anderer professioneller Autorin an, sondern gegen jeden, der etwas veröffentlichen möchte und insbesondere gegen Personen, deren Lebensunterhalt nicht an den Verkauf von Veröffentlichtungen gekoppelt ist, und die ihre Werke daher ohne weiteres kostenfrei publizieren können."
  • It Was Close, But We Won: Viva Net Neutrality! "The senators explained that the FCC’s rules only formalize the open Internet principles that have guided the Internet to date and ensured the level playing field that has allowed small businesses to meaningful compete with large corporations. This principle is what has allowed small start-ups like YouTube, Facebook, and Flckr to become the kind of massive success stories that revive the American dream. As Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) pointed out, if Google or other online video sites would have been able to pay off Verizon or Comcast to slow or even block traffic to YouTube they never would have had a chance."
  • iOS wildert (weiter) im Spielewald – iPhoneBlog.de
  • Wie werden E-Books bei der VG Wort vergütet? | KoopTech "Wenn es keine Kopien gibt, kann es auch keine Kopierabgabe geben"

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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