Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Holtzbrinck verkauft Ex-VZ-Netzwerke | Gründerszene VZ geht zu ende.
- VEVO: 40B Videos Watched Globally In The Last Year, Mobile Traffic Doubled In Q2 To 1.3B Streams
- Quora Adds Trending Topics (And No, They’re Not All Tech-Related)
- Coming from Salesforce.com: A Dropbox for the enterprise "“Next week at Dreamforce we have our Okta competitor coming out which is Salesforce Identity, we have our Box competitor coming out which is called Chatterbox, and we have our Asana competitor Do.com,” Benioff said. “So it’s competition. It’s good.”"
- Disrupt SF 2012
- In Blog Wars, Nobody Loses (Except Us) → "I don’t care about “eyeballs”. The Deck doesn’t pay for raw pageviews — sites are paid a flat rate per month, and that rate is occasionally recalculated if average traffic changes for a long time. Deck publishers, including Marco.org and Daring Fireball, are therefore incentivized to build up loyal, long-term audiences. If we just get a bunch of one-time clicks over a few days, we don’t make a dime extra. (Bandwidth may even cost us more.)"
- Don't Downplay The Importance Of Tweakers In Innovation; Excerpt From 'The Knockoff Economy'
- app.net and owning yourself Flattr kann jetzt auch App.net.
- Livefyre Goes Beyond Comments with StreamHub — Liveblogging, Live Chatting, Social Widgets, And More "Founder and CEO Jordan Kretchmer tells me that a big emphasis with StreamHub Core is the ability for publishers to own their audience. In other words, if you create a commenting account on a StreamHub site, that account is unique to that site. " Hm, nope, keine Idee, die gut funktionieren wird.
- Ubuntu One Music Store Launches Online
- GOOGLE: We Didn’t Know You Could Patent Round Corners "In an interview with Bloomberg TV, David Lawee, VP of corporate development, says, “We didn’t believe rounded corners were patentable.”" Jedes Mal, wenn jemand von Google so etwas sagt, sinkt meine Achtung vor ihnen weiter.
- Daring Fireball Linked List: Google Releases YouTube App for iPhone and iPod Touch "Given that this new YouTube app from Google shows ads, and Apple’s old YouTube app did not, my hunch is that the decision to part ways was mutual."
- The Misstep of Quora and The Importance of Trust Amongst Your Community
- Aggregatoren: Leistungsschutzrecht-Fürsprecherin Burda verkauft nachrichten.de » netzwertig.com "Unter mein.nachrichten.de entsteht derzeit ein professioneller, kostenpflichtiger Aggregatoren- und Monitoringdienst, der im nächsten Jahr mit dem jetzigen Angebot von nachrichten.de verschmelzen soll. Wieviel Neofonie für nachrichten.de gezahlt hat, verriet Landvogt nicht. Vom Leistungsschutzrecht, sollte es denn kommen, wäre nachrichten.de seiner Auslegung nach nicht betroffen, da bei dem Dienst eine Bewertung der indexierten und aufgelisteten Verlagsinhalte stattfände. Ob nachrichten.de aber sicherheitshalber eine Abmachung mit Burda getroffen habe, um im Falle das Falles finanziell unterstützt zu werden, wollte Landvogt nicht kommentieren." Na dann.
- Valve Is Bringing Steam To Your TV Today. Watch Out, Consoles. "Today, Valve will launch the beta of Big Picture mode, a version of Steam designed for your television. That's right. The de facto central hub of PC gaming is now designed to run while you're lounging in your living room—and with a controller, no less. I've tried out Big Picture. It's sleek, intuitive, and groundbreaking in several ways."
- HP stellt neuen iMac inklusive Tastatur und Magic Trackpad vor › Macerkopf Apple ist das Vorbild für alle PC-Hersteller geworden.
- Quora, DropBox, Others Made $30M in Job Offers To Engineers In First 2 Weeks Of DeveloperAuction | TechCrunch "In the company’s first auction, which ended August 31st, 88 engineers put themselves up for auction and 142 startups, including Quora and Dropbox, submitted over $30m in job offers."
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