12. Sep. 2013 Lesezeit: 3 Min.

Aktuelles 12. September 2013

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

"My bet is Jeff Bezos will use lessons from Amazon’s Prime service. For Monday Note readers outside the United States, Amazon Prime is a special service from which, for an annual fee of $79 (€60), you get free two-days shipping, free video streaming and the right to borrow Kindle titles in a catalog of 350,000 (I can hear writers and bookstore owners faint…) The least we can say is that it worked: more than 10m people joined the Prime program (including a couple of friends of mine who quickly dumped their cable subscription — call it collateral damage…) And that’s just the beginning: Amazon expects to reach 25m Prime customers by 2017. Even more interesting: when you cough up eighty bucks a year to use the service, you also tend to buy more, that’s the juiciest psychological facet of the Prime program."

Bundling on a grand scale.

  • Buchhandel: Weltbild-Gruppe sieht sich von Insolvenz bedroht  "Der Buchhandel ist nach den Katalogversendern und vor dem Elektronikhandel die Handelsbranche, die schon am stärksten unter Druck steht. Aber auch im Schuhhandel sucht Görtz noch händeringend nach einem Retter und will die Suche jetzt "systematisch" angehen."

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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