Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Study finds a total of 1.8 million jobs in the EU app economy, with €17.5 billion in revenues taken in by EU app companies in 2013 | Eurapp
- Gehirn-Gymnastik mit Hitler und Josef Joffe « Stefan Niggemeier Die Zeit ist unfähig zur Korrektur: "Joffes Irrtum, es gebe eine Agentur, bei der man »kommerzielle ›Shitstorm-Pakete‹« in unterschiedlichen Größen kaufen könne, korrigiert die »Zeit« — nicht."
- I wanted to work at Apple really bad, and now not so much. — Apple Daily — Medium "On boarding was super bumpy, and they had so many passwords, accounts, and logins that it took nearly a month just for me to get on the server."
- Rollingstones.com: Marx Was Right: Five Surprising Ways Karl Marx Predicted 2014
- Discoverability
- Surprise: ASCAP and Music Labels Colluded To Screw Pandora Wow.
- The Merger of iOS and OS X Yep, nonsense.
- Wayfair wächst im Möbelmarkt auf 915 Mio. Dollar (+53%)
- DAX Konzerne: Mitarbeiter und Follower XING vs. LinkedIn 2014 | LinkedInsider Deutschland "Bei Mitarbeitern der Konzerne driftet es langsam weiter, als Marketing- und Distributionskanal scheint LinkedIn erheblich zu wachsen: +600.000 Follower in unter vier Monaten ist schon ein deutliches Wachstum."
- Lifelogging Gear Is Small, Cheap, and Powerful, So Like It Or Not, You’re Going To Be Recorded | Singularity Hub
- Berlin ranking internet companies and startups
- Because Of DRM, The Entire Copyright Monopoly Legislation Is A Lie "The net effect of this is that the DRM portion of copyright law, as it stands today, is permitting publishers to dictate whatever terms they like and call it “copyright”, overriding the rest of that law."
- Fortune 130 | "The iTunes “empire” of content and services would be ranked as number 130 in the Fortune 500 ranking of companies (slightly below Alcoa and above Eli Lilly)."
- ē Microsoft’s Mobile Muddle
- The Intercept Releases Photos To The Public Domain... But Unfortunately Locks Up Text Content With Copyfraud Claims
- Nur 10 Prozent der Facebook-Nutzer sorgen für die Inhalte | Netzökonom "Jeder fünfte Facebook-Nutzer sendet täglich private Nachrichten, aber 58 Prozent nutzen diese Funktion so gut wie gar nicht, hat das Pew Institut mit der Umfrage herausgefunden."
- MediaTek Going Wearable, Chinese & Cheap | EE Times "MediaTek is quietly going after the emerging market of under-$50 wearable devices.The company's new "all-in-one" SoC, called Aster, is sampling now only to a select group of customers. The chip is not officially announced yet, with no datasheets or block diagrams publicly available."
- Here's Why The EU Is Crazy Not To Insist On Full Transparency During TAFTA/TTIP
- DRM Is The Right To Make Up Your Own Copyright Laws
- Twitter’s Other Growth Problem: Keeping the Users It Already Has | Re/code "According to people close to the company, Twitter has seen more than one billion registrations to its service over the past seven and a half years. Stack up that figure against the most recent active user number — 241 million — and you’ve got a retention rate somewhere in the mid-20 percent range. Caveat: This billion-plus stat is complicated by Twitter’s massive spam problem and the subsequent purge that occurred last year. But suffice to say, registrations are still high compared to the number of current active users."
- Dialog mit dem Leser als Reputationsgewinn | Digitale Notizen
- Apple’s Tim Cook on Plans for Cash and Emerging Markets - WSJ.com
- How The Copyright Industry Made Your Computer Less Safe "DRM assumes that the computer's owner is its adversary."
- Rezension: Clive Thompson – Smarter Than You Think | Schule und Social Media
- Apple, Google, Microsoft: Where does the money come from? | ZDNet
- BitTorrent Sync Used to Create Decentralized Web Browser "Called SyncNet, Minardi’s tool is built on BitTorrent Sync, the powerful Dropbox-like software launched last year by BitTorrent Inc. While in its basic form Sync is generally used for syncing files and folders between machines, friends and co-workers, in its SyncNet application it is used to store and distribute HTML, images and other web content."
- Copyright, Invented To Combat Commercial Abuse, Has Become A Means Of Commercial Abuse
- Marc Andreessen talks about the evolution of the news business and why he is optimistic — Tech News and Analysis "Market size dramatically expanding–many more people consume news now vs 10-20 yrs ago, many more still in 10-20 yrs. Big, big deal."
- Yandex opens research office in Berlin, considers partnerships with local startups — Tech News and Analysis "Yandex’s mapping partner is Navteq or, as it is known these days, Nokia Here, and Berlin has long been a hub for that team. Yandex said it will hire 30-40 people for its Berlin office during 2014 to work on its global Yandex.Maps service[..]"
- Curved.de ist gestartet – Content-Marketing fuer die “Generation Touch” | Mobilegeeks.de | Allgemein "Das von der E-Plus Gruppe finanzierte und von der Werbeagentuer SinnerSchrader (wenn die sich nicht gerade um Technikportale kuemmern, dann sehen die zu dass Beck’s, Karstadt, Skoda und Joey’s Pizza besser wahrgenommen werden) umgesetzte Blog erinnert auf den ersten Blog nicht nur optisch an “The Verge”, sondern versucht ein aehnliches Branding durchzuziehen[..]"
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