Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- asymco » Cracking the China code: Microsoft vs. Apple "Apple’s China net sales in fiscal 2009 were only 769 million. In 2012 they were $22.8 billion. That is a figure greater than US sales three years earlier. Put another way, China sales grew in three years as much as they did in the US in 33."
- Verlinkungen von Individuen: Wieso das Netz eine “Wikipedia für Personen” benötigt » netzwertig.com
- Can Apple ever be doomed again? | Macworld
- Urheberrechtsextremismus - Hackety hack hack "Wir haben die Kurzgeschichte übersetzt und in ein Theaterstück umgewandelt sowie eigene Szenen eingefügt. Welche juristischen Handstände auf einem Flaschenhals unsere Bearbeitung bei einem herkömmlichen Theaterverlag bedeutet hätte, möchten wir uns lieber nicht vorstellen. Vermutlich wäre die Geschichte gar nicht auf die Bühne gekommen, wenn wir alle Einzelheiten mit Cory Doctorow oder seinem Verlag hätten aushandeln müssen. So konnten wir ein neues Werk erstellen, das auf einem anderen Werk aufbaut. Die Welt ist ein bisschen reicher geworden."
- The Technium: Pain of the New "I predict that on each step towards increased realism new media take, there will be those who find the step physically painful. It will hurt their eyes, ears, nose, touch,and peace of mind. It will seem unnecessarily raw, ruining the art behind the work. This disturbance is not entirely in our heads, because we train our bodies to react to media, and when it changes, it FEELS different. There may be moments of uncomfort."
- Do We Really Want EU Bureaucrats Deciding What Google Search Results 'Should' Look Like? "After a 20 month investigation, the FTC -- whose boss made it clear he absolutely wanted to bring down Google if he could -- couldn't find any evidence that Google's search results were somehow anticompetitive. All of the evidence pointed to the same basic thing: what Google did was for the benefit of its users. While some competitors were upset about it, antitrust should not be about propping up competitors who can't compete, especially if consumers are not being harmed. Besides, if you actually look at the "competitors" who complained the loudest, many of them are doing quite well these days. "
- StartingUpBerlin 2013: Start-up-Bezirk Nummer eins ist Mitte, gefolgt von Prenzlauer Berg
- Gewerbsmäßige Copyright-Verstöße: Die Spur des Geldes
- Das Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger nach dem Regierungsentwurf zum 7. UrhRÄndG | IGEL - Initiative gegen ein Leistungsschutzrecht "In der Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht hat Malte Stieper, Urheberrechtsprofessor an der Uni Halle-Wittenberg, den Regierungsentwurf zum Presse-Leistungsschutzrecht analysiert. Sein Ergebnis: Der Entwurf verfehlt das Ziel, Suchmaschinen abgabepflichtig zu machen. Newsaggregatoren wie Rivva und Virato würden im Zweifel aber betroffen sein. Auch sonst sei er handwerklich misslungen."
- Urheberrechtsdebatte in Österreich: Für wen lobbyiert eigentlich “Kunst hat Recht”? "Von Verwertungsgesellschaften mit beträchtlichen finanziellen Mitteln ausgestattet versucht eine PR-Agentur den Eindruck zu erwecken, es handle sich bei der Initiative um eine Graswurzelbewegung von Kunstschaffenden."
- RIP, Aaron Swartz - Boing Boing "The post-Reddit era in Aaron's life was really his coming of age. His stunts were breathtaking. At one point, he singlehandedly liberated 20 percent of US law. PACER, the system that gives Americans access to their own (public domain) case-law, charged a fee for each such access. After activists built RECAP (which allowed its users to put any caselaw they paid for into a free/public repository), Aaron spent a small fortune fetching a titanic amount of data and putting it into the public domain. The feds hated this. They smeared him, the FBI investigated him, and for a while, it looked like he'd be on the pointy end of some bad legal stuff, but he escaped it all, and emerged triumphant."
- Prosecutor as bully "Aaron had literally done nothing in his life “to make money.” He was fortunate Reddit turned out as it did, but from his work building the RSS standard, to his work architecting Creative Commons, to his work liberating public records, to his work building a free public library, to his work supporting Change Congress/FixCongressFirst/Rootstrikers, and then Demand Progress, Aaron was always and only working for (at least his conception of) the public good. He was brilliant, and funny. A kid genius. A soul, a conscience, the source of a question I have asked myself a million times: What would Aaron think? That person is gone today, driven to the edge by what a decent society would only call bullying. I get wrong. But I also get proportionality. And if you don’t get both, you don’t deserve to have the power of the United States government behind you."
- The rise of the Twitter fist bump >> Buzzfeed Favorites.
- ReadWrite – Why Do I Want An iPad Mini So Badly? "It’s the phone that’s the awkward size. That’s the thing I drop all the time. If I had a smart watch and a tablet, I wouldn’t need anything in my pocket at all. I know it sounds awkward to do a voice call on a watch, but A) voice calls are inherently awful, and B) it might not be so bad. Imagine if you could snap the device off of the wristband and hold the back of it up to your ear. A good enough microphone could make that work."
- bildblog.de: Die anGEZettelte Wut "Damals wie heute unterschlägt "Bild", dass die Österreicher mit durchschnittlich 23,20 Euro, die Dänen mit 26,96 Euro (201,17 Dänische Kronen) und die Schweizer mit 31,69 Euro (38,53 Schweizer Franken) vor den Deutschen liegen. Die Norweger zahlen 30,39 Euro (223,38 Norwegische Kronen) und die Schweden 20,06 Euro (173 Schwedische Kronen)."
- On market share — Benedict Evans "Finally, at this end of the market the Android challenge of ‘low engagement’ changes to a ‘no engagement’ fact: cheap data plans are few and far between in many emerging markets, and even if the operators try, providing a useful amount of mobile data to someone with a monthly spend of $5 to $10 has pretty challenging economics."
- How About An Amazon AutoRip For Books? - SplatF "The trouble with an “AutoRip for Books” mostly seems to be that no one has a real incentive to offer it yet"
- Why are Bob Woodward’s WH sources - or Woodward himself - not on trial next to Bradley Manning? "In other words, the theory being used to prosecute Manning would convert almost every government source for newspapers into a traitor. Given that, it’s extraordinary how relatively little interest, let alone opposition, large media outlets have expressed about this prosecution."
- Die Nimmerklugen: Die »Handelsblatt«-Propaganda gegen ARD und ZDF "Es ist unmöglich, auch nur im Ansatz all die Desinformationen zu dokumentieren oder gar zu berichtigen, die die deutsche Presse in diesen Tagen über die neue Haushaltsabgabe für den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk verbreitet. Ich habe das gestern im BILDblog wenigstens mit einigen Details aus der »Bild«-Kampagne versucht, aber es kommen jeden Tag neue Unwahrheiten nach."
- Rocket Internet und "der globale Megatrend E-Commerce"
- Alternativwährungen im Aufwind "Anfang der Woche meldete BitPay-Mitgründer Anthony Gallippi, dass er unter anderem den Londoner Shakil Khan, der den Musikdienst Spotify mit aufbaute, als Investor gewann. Gallippi will mit BitPay eine Art PayPal für BitCoin-Zahlungen aufzubauen: Das Unternehmen kassiert Bitcoins von Verbrauchern und Firmen und transferiert sie als “echtes” Geld auf die Bankkonten von 2.100 Unternehmen, die seine Dienste bislang in Anspruch nehmen."
- Axel Springer kündigt Druckauftrag bei "Frankfurter Rundschau" " Axel Springer hat die Aufträge nun an die Frankfurter Societäts- Druckerei der “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung”, der Druckerei der türkischsprachigen Zeitung “Hürriyet” sowie der Druckerei des Zeitungskonzerns Ippen in Kassel vergeben."
- Das 50-Millionen-Quartal?
- A VC: Single User Utility In A Social System
- Israeli 2012 Tech Exits Top $5.5 Billion "The report shows that the average deal size has grown nearly 3½ times, from $32 million in 2008. Mr. Suliman said the growth in deal size showed the increasing maturity of the market."
- Revenue models: Subscriptions "The first several years of a subscription based business will typically require a fair bit of funding because the revenues come in over time instead of up front. But once a subscription business reaches scale, it has very favorable cash flow dynamics, as mentioned above. For these reasons, subscription based businesses are good businessed to raise capital for and investors generally find them attractive to invest in."
- Keycard: A neat little Mac app that secures your computer by detecting the proximity of your mobile device - The Next Web
- The AP Is Selling Its Twitter Feed
- How Much of the Web Is Archived? Truth Is, We Don't Really Know "Somewhere between 35 and 90 percent of the web has at least one archived copy. That's a pretty big range."
- Telecoms pricing Deutschland ist teuer für "mobile power user".
- Major Labels Back To Going After Vimeo For Its Lipdubs
- Netflix adds 3-D, Super HD movies to push ISPs towards its own CDN
- Why The Copyright Monopoly Is Quite Unlike Legitimate Restrictions Of Property Rights
- A more complete picture of the iTunes economy
- LinkedIn Hits 200 Million Registered Users Worldwide — Adding New Users At Rate Of Two Per Second
- If Apple was more like Samsung "While Apple released one new iPhone last year, Samsung let loose a whopping 37 different phone variations. (For those keeping score, HTC released 18, Nokia introduced nine, and LG launched 24.) Certainly good hardware design played a role in Samsung’s healthy sales. But it also didn’t hurt that the company flooded the market."
- The Changing Face of Computers on Screen
- APIs as a Competitive Advantage "But where they all agree is that there is a ripple effect of exposed APIs that can make other income generators more profitable for a mature business."
- Reddit’s Funding Round Is for Real, and It’s Only for Angels "Why not raise more? For starters, because the company doesn’t need it: When Conde Nast and its parent company Advance Publications spun out Reddit as an independent company in 2011, the social site had $20 million in the bank. Since Reddit is able to generate a ton of traffic with a very lean staff, it still has most of that money, around $18 million."
- With ‘verified certificates,’ Coursera offers model for making money from web classes — Tech News and Analysis
- Lionsgate Censors Remix Video That The Copyright Office Itself Used As An Example Of Fair Use Tja, fair use ist auch nicht die endgültige Lösung.
- Mobiler Internetverkehr: Deutschland ist Apple-Land - Netzwirtschaft - FAZ "Der Tabletcomputer iPad vereinigte im Jahresmittel rund 36 Prozent der Zugriffe auf sich. Die verschiedenen Versionen des iPhones etwa 35 Prozent."
- Business Insider’s Henry Blodget promises that digital news organizations will rule the world "“Digital cannot support print economics,” he writes. “But!” – and here he’s doing that annoying Business Insidery thing where content is spread out over individual slides in order to generate more clicks – “Digital can support digital economics!”"
- Dropbox to be included on all Samsung flagship phones and camera
- Unser Blog soll schöner werden (V): Finanzierung "Natürlich könnte man sich auch einen Thematisch-affinen Konzern wie Google als Sponsor suchen, aber dann würden sich, abgesehen von unseren Bedenken, vor allem die ganzen Medien aufregen und uns wegen Befangenheit kritisieren, die keine Probleme damit haben, dass Google bei ihnen regelmäßig ganzseitige Anzeigen bucht."
- Qualcomm's insane CES 2013 keynote in pictures and tweets | The Verge
- Valve confirms it's building a Linux-based Steam Box that will act as a local gaming server for all your screens | The Verge
- Svbtle funding | Svbtle Blog by Svbtle Network
- Das Sterben der Social Reader – Auf The Guardian folgt Stern.de | Futurebiz.de - Facebook & Social Media Marketing
- Exclusive: A first look at Netflix’s test of personalized profiles — Tech News and Analysis "Netflix is currently testing personalized profiles for its subscribers, and we’ve got some first photos of how they look like. If successful, these profiles could finally rid your recommendations of your kid’s questionable movie choices."
- Friedrich’s Law: Ein Vorschlag | the boy in the bubble
- LG Köln 33 O 353/11 - Anschlussinhaber haftet weder als Täter noch als Störer › Infodocc "die Vermutung, dass der Anschlussinhaber für den Verstoß verantwortlich ist, führt nicht zur Umkehr der Beweislast"
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