Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Abgeordnetenwatch auf kommunaler Ebene "Seit heute bietet Abgeordnetenwatch seine Plattform auch für einige Gemeinden an. Für den Start ausgewählt wurden die Stadträtet Dresden, Leipzig und Leverkusen, sowie die Gemeinderäte Pforzheim, Stuttgart und Villingen-Schwenningen."
- Say hello to the alive web! "Today, we have nearly a billion wired broadband connections and over half-a-billion fast wireless connections (HSPA, HSPA+, LTE and WiMAX.) And those numbers are growing. If you can ignore the poor nature of wireless networks, we now have seamless connectivity. From an iPhone to an iPad to a Macbook Air (or PC and Android equivalents), people can always be connected. This connectivity offers an opportunity to create a different kind of Internet experience that’s more immersive and interactive. And that persistent connection is what allows us to create and experience the Alive Web. I think Chatroulette was an early signal of the Alive Web, although the world instead focused on the vileness of its content."
- Bitcoin virtual currency may be the worst of both worlds "The virtual currency could be the worst of both worlds: easy to steal and impossible to trace."
- Bitly Pro goes free, custom short domains and analytics available for all "Not only will users get a short domain, they will be able to register for tracking statistics, allowing users to check how their content is performing on social networks including Twitter and Facebook. Any Bitly link that points to the same domain will also be tracked in the dashboard."
- Wenn das ZDF über euch berichtet, dann wird Angst geschürt
- Tech Leaders Don't Win By Saying They'll Crush Somebody
- What we talk about when we talk about RSS "You can build a business and make millions of dollars with an RSS reader."
- What Photo Sharing App Should You Use?
- Zynga Launches CityVille on iOS With Hometown, Android Version Expected
- Behold: Facebook’s Secret Photo Sharing App
- Bitcoin-Diebstahl: Eine halbe Million US-Dollar weg?
- Was ich die kommenden Wochen so mache… #Wired
- Location-based services worth $10B by 2016 "Location-based services are expected to bring in $10 billion in revenue by 2016, according to research firm Strategy Analytics. The biggest chunk, just over 50 percent, will come from location-based search advertising."
- Fred Wilson On Disruption: “You Can’t Stop What People Ultimately Want To Have Happen” “politics and government have been a terrible place to invest, education has been a terrible place to invest but that is because the entrenched interests make it a terrible place to invest. The way you invest in those sectors is you go against the entrenched interests, you try and disrupt the entrenched interests, not to service them.”
- Facebook Is Taking A Special Interest In RockMelt’s Social Browser Würde mich nicht überraschen, wenn Facebook irgendwann RockMelt übernimmt: "RockMelt is still an independent browser with only a few hundred thousand active users. Facebook made no investment in RockMelt, nor is it going to help promote or distribute the browser, at least initially. Its product teams, however, are working closely with RockMelt to make sure that its Facebook features shine. “The partnership is based on a shared belief that social should join navigation and search as fundamental capabilities of the browser,” says RockMelt CEO Eric Vishria."
- “Web” vs. “Native” "I’m pedantic enough to be a little irritated by the common “Web vs Native” usage. They’re all Web apps, and this argument is really about client platforms; no more, no less."
- Goldmedia-Studie: Netzneutralität
- Investors Pump $90 Million Into Airbnb Clone Wimdu "Notably, Airbnb is also raising a huge round of funding ($100 million or more) at a staggering $1 billion valuation, so you might say Wimdu isn’t just copying their idea and business model but also their financing strategy."
- Google Launches New Search Features: Voice, Images, Instant Pages & More "The new image search feature lets you place images in Google's search box to perform a query. The query will pull up links where the photo appears and links to the photo itself. There are four ways to search by image: copy and paste an image URL, upload an image from your computer, drag and drop or use new Chrome and Firefox extensions. This feature will launch globally in the next few days."
- Was wir uns in Sachen Leistungsschutz einfach mal merken: die Raubkopierer bei Bild
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