Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Vimeo updates its Pro accounts with a whole lot more storage
- Netflix teams up with Sony Pictures on new drama from Damages creators
- Do You Know Who I Am?
- Amazon Music Downloads Are Cheaper Than iTunes 78% Of The Time, But Apple Still Dominates
- The Quartz Way (2)
- sobooks startet die closed-beta | Pia Ziefle | Autorin "Das ist spannend für Leser*innen, aber ganz besonders für Autor*innen. Die diskutieren nämlich ganz gern über ihre Texte, aber im Augenblick müssen sie sich kurz nach dem Veröffentlichungstermin eines Buches vervielfachen, um auf twitter / facebook / g+ / lovelybooks und all den Blogs am Ball bleiben zu können. Den Überblick zu behalten, mit wem in welchem Kanal welcher Diskussionsstand erreicht wurde, ist beinahe unmöglich. Aber nicht nur das. Kaum 24 Stunden später sind die schönen langen Stränge in den Netzwerken alle verschwunden, überholt von neuen Themen und Katzenbildern. Sobooks schafft eine so einfache wie neue Lösung: die Diskussion bleibt im Buch – und somit auch für neue Leser*innen zugänglich."
- The Copyright Monopoly Can Only Be Enforced With Mass Wiretapping, And Must Therefore Be Torpedoed "Today, noncommercial distribution of works under the copyright monopoly take place in our private communications, intermixed with our most private data that leave and arrive at our devices. You can’t tell one type of data from the other without looking at all of it, so the only way to discover copyright monopoly violations is by mass wiretapping and mass surveillance."
- Amazon requires publishers to use Kindle DRM
- AngelList Syndicates By The Numbers: 12 Deals, $3.5M Raised, 199 Angels Activated Syndication With $5.6M Committed | TechCrunch
- Drei Mini-Tipps: Backup mit PhotoSync, Push mit Twitter und Verpixeln mit Skitch – iPhoneBlog.de "Der Workaround fiel mir erneut auf, weil Apples 5GB-Gratis-Account für Sicherheitskopien völlig unzureichend ausfällt. Das iCloud-Benutzerkonto sollte mindestens den verfügbaren Speicherplatz bieten, den die darauf registrierten Geräte aufweisen und beim Kauf neuer iPhones und iPads eigenständig mitwachsen." Yep.
- Die Quoten-Schau mit ‘Live TV’ – iPhoneBlog.de
- 5 fun and terrifying things about working for Jeff Bezos "He may know more about your job than you do. A former supply chain executive recalled the time that his team delivered a presentation, nine months in the making, to Bezos. “Bezos read the paper, said, ‘You’re all wrong,’ stood up, and started writing on the whiteboard.” According to the executive, “He had no background in control theory, no background in operating systems… [but] every stinking thing he put down was correct and true. It would be easier to stomach if we could prove he was wrong, but we couldn’t… He had this unbelievable ability to be incredibly intelligent about things he had nothing to do with, and he was totally ruthless about communicating it.”"
- As an alternative to ads Golem gives you Flattr
- YouTube Tells Music Copyright Infringer To Contact Himself To Resolve Dispute
- Warum Paypal beim Crowdfunding Unsinn ist - WSJ.de "Paypal ließ den Risikomanager Tomer Barel schreiben, dass Crowdfunding auch zum Missbrauch verleiten könne und die Kunden davor geschützt werden sollten. Barel wies außerdem darauf hin, dass einige Wettbewerber Crowdfunding-Zahlungen gar nicht erst weiterleiteten. Um wen es sich dabei handelt, ließ er freilich offen. Dafür räumte Paypal ein, dass man jede Crowdfunding-Kampagne einer Risikoanalyse unterziet – für ein Unternehmen, das sich als reinen Zahlungsdienstleister versteht ein unüblicher Schritt."
- Octonius - Social cloud collaboration. Your personal assistant for iPhone "Just like your Facebook feed, the Codex Wall is a living, breathing experience for your documents and files, no matter where you store them: Evernote, Dropbox and more. Transform your iPhone into a management tool for your files. A control dashboard with everything you need to get things done faster."
- → AppleScript XML-RPC
- Microsoft’s $7.2 Billion Nokia Bet Not Luring Apps
- Fact: the NSA gets negligible intel from Americans' metadata. So end collection | Yochai Benkler
- Musikbusinessnews: Beats, iTunes Radio, Google, Napster und mehr
- VC deal activity hits highest mark since dot-com boom - GeekWire "Venture capital deal activity continued to climb in the third quarter as a total of 857 companies raised money during the period — up from 807 deals in the previous quarter and the biggest overall total since the dot-com boom year of 2001. Total dollars also increased modestly, though they are nowhere near the crazy sums invested in 2001."
- Amazon Makes A Play For Startups With Its AWS Activate Service Bundle And Support Network | TechCrunch "The rise of new funding syndicates such as those on AngelList represent a new chapter in how startups are getting funded, but they also represent the emergence of new kinds of support networks. In that vein, perhaps Amazon is coming in with this product at just the right time to meet that opportunity."
- Fitbit Force brings smartwatch features to a fitness tracker | The Verge "The Force is an evolution of the Flex, Fitbit’s other wrist-worn tracker, and offers an OLED display and altimeter on top of the features included in the Flex. It's very similar to the company's One tracker, but with a wristband so you don't have to clip it to your pants. The Force is available in black or a handsome bluish grey color (Fitbit calls it "slate") today for $129.95, slightly more than the $99 Flex, which is remaining in Fitbit’s lineup."
- Amazon’s ‘Login and Pay with Amazon’ Service Challenges PayPal For The Web’s Payment Business | TechCrunch Bleibt die Frage, warum erst jetzt.
- Beats says its new Beats Music streaming service will launch ‘within the next few months’ in the US - The Next Web
- Apple Said to Expand ITunes Radio to U.K. Before Pandora - Bloomberg "Apple is moving faster than Pandora because it forged agreements for international rights with Vivendi SA (VIV)’s Universal Music Group and other record companies, said one of the people. Pandora, which doesn’t have such deals, relies on rights granted by government entities, limiting service to the U.S., Australia and New Zealand."
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