Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- What it's like to share an article from one of these iPad magazines Präzise beobachtet.
- First quarter PC forecast: Windows down 2%, Mac+iPad up 250% "In an industry where growth is usually measured in single digits, the iPad business brings growth in three digits.
This near tripling of unit sales is symptomatic of fundamental change that cannot be ignored." - How to Find Thousands of Free Ebooks Online "If you’re going to be converting between ebook formats (such as converting ePUB books to MOBI books for use on your Kindle) we highly recommend the robust and powerful open-source ebook management software Calibre—we can’t stress enough how awesome Calibre is for managing and converting your ebook collection."
- Want To Know Your Co-Workers’ Salaries? "Create a pool, send the link to four people who will disclose their salaries and the site will reveal the salary span, without revealing who makes what."
- The Real Reason Mike McCue Needs $50 Million: Google Is Building A Flipboard Killer "I asked him if he plans on building his own ad salesforce, and at this point that is not the plan. He wants to keep partnering with publishers and let them sell their own ads. wants to hire engineers, and bring his employee count up from 32 to 50 or 60. At about $200,000 per employee (including salaries, benefits and other expenses), plus the network costs to support as many as 40 million Flipboard readers, his operating costs could easily get to $20 million a year."
- Square’s Disruptive Payment Service About To Get A Huge Retail Boost From Apple "Mobile payments company Square has landed a big coup—sales placement on Apple’s online store. And we’ve just confirmed with Square that the startup has a deal for in-store sales as well. Apple will start selling Square devices in all of its U.S. retail stores starting this week."
- re:publica 2011: Der mit Abstand beste Vortrag… "Über 250 Vortragende präsentierten auf der re:publica in Berlin ihre Perspektiven zur digitalen Welt. IBM-CTO Gunter Dueck hinterließ einen der nachhaltigsten Eindrücke."
- re:publica: Aktivisten fordern radikalen Netzumbau
- Scary Twitter "ich kann mich in den letzten 9 monaten an keine erwähnenswerte anwendung erinnern, während es 2007, 2008 fast wöchentlich nette apps gab"
- So wird das iPad zum Arbeitsgerät
- EU-Ebene: Netzsperren über Glücksspielstaatsvertrag rücken näher
- Markus Beckedahl: Digitale Gesellschaft
- Akamai to Launch P2P-Based Streaming Video Client
- It's official: Asia's just run out of IPv4 Addresses (Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols/Networking Blog)
- Die Allianz der Vorgestrigen
- That’s Quite a Chart
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