Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Exciting Commerce: The Oryx Project: Otto bestätigt Kampfansage an Samwers
- CoWorking: Ein Thema für den ländlichen Raum? "In einigen CoWorking-Spaces teilen sich die Kunden beispielsweise einen Steuerberater, der zu festen Terminen und günstigen Preisen Beratung vor Ort anbietet oder bauen eine gemeinsame Kinderbetreuung auf."
- Tmall Sells 100 Billion RMB Worth of Stuff, Decides to Change Its Name | Tech in Asia "Tmall today announced that it’s rolling in cash, having hit 100 billion RMB (US$15.84 billion) in sold items on the site in 2011 – a figure 3.5 times greater than it achieved in 2010."
- Ubuntu Tablet to Compete with Android, iOS "Ubuntu’s success in the tablet-sphere – however niche it might end up – will hinge on more than just decent hardware and shops willing to sell it. The platform will need to have application developers so enthused by the platform that they are will to develop for it. And that’s no mean feat of itself."
- Daring Fireball Linked List: No, App Store Quantity Does Not Equal Success "Having the most apps matters, but having the best apps matters too. The sweet spot for a platform is to do well in both regards."
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