Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Guardian in der Zeitungskrise
- Innovation aus Deutschland: das Rückkanalverbot
- RTL will aus DVB-T aussteigen
- Sachverständiger: LSR verfassungsrechtlich bedenklich "„Der Gesetzesentwurf wird einhellig von deutschen Urheberrechtlern zu Recht abgelehnt“, heißt es gleich zu Beginn von Spindlers Stellungnahme, die der Bundestag am Donnerstag veröffentlicht hat. Dabei nimmt Spindler Bezug auf eine LSR-kritische Erklärung des Max-Planck-Instituts für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht, die er gemeinsam im November 2012 mit 15 Kollegen des GRUR-Fachausschusses Urheber- und Medienrecht unterzeichnet hat.""
- Google's Larry Page on Why Moon Shots Matter | Wired Business | Wired.com Larry Page erscheint sehr arrogant in dem Interview. Google, das neue Microsoft.
- Daring Fireball Linked List: The 'Apple Needs a New Hit Product Now' Argument "Why just Apple? Why does no one argue that Samsung “needs” to unveil a major new disruption? What harm would Apple suffer if they spent the next five years refining and growing the products already in their stable? They’re already the most profitable technology company in the world, and their three major platforms — iPhone, iPad, and Mac — are all growing. They don’t need to change a damn thing."
- Das Kraftfuttermischwerk » Worin für die GEMA der Unterschied zwischen einem Konzert und einer Tanzveranstaltung besteht "auf Konzerten wird ja nicht getanzt." Alles klar.
- GEMA Vs. YouTube Hits The Three Year Mark As Rate Negotiations Fall Through Again | Techdirt "This licensing battle goes back to 2009, when Google's contract with GEMA ended and the German PRO asked for $0.17 per view, a rate Google claimed was "without comparison in the history of online music." (By comparison. YouTube was paying PRS, the UK performance rights group, $0.0034 per view in 2009.) GEMA countered that it had offered to take $0.01 per stream, but wanted YouTube to cough up more usage data in exchange for the cut rate."
- Hiding your research behind a paywall is immoral | Mike Taylor | Science | guardian.co.uk"Dammit, we're scientists. Our job is to make knowledge. If we make it, then brick it up behind a wall, we're wasting our time and our funders' money – which ultimately means we're squandering the world's wealth.Publishing behind paywalls is immoral. More than that, it's oxymoronic: if it's behind a paywall, it hasn't been published. We have to stop doing it, now and for always."
- What platform do Blackberry users go to? — Benedict Evans "Hence, this chart illustrates the way that RIM lost high-end customers first, in developed markets, who went to the iPhone. Then, it started losing lower-end customers (in emerging markets), who went to Android. The high end departure looks like it's mostly over (though this obviously doesn't tell us how many loyalists have stayed) - the departure to Android is still going on."
- JSTOR liberator
- “Musikindustrie will stärker von Zwangsabgaben profitieren”
- Wenn ihr Euch fragt, warum so wenig über die Facebook-Aktien... - egghat's not so micro blog
- Dear HBO, Disney, Netflix Et Al: Fragmenting Online TV Lets Piracy Keep Its Biggest Advantage | Techdirt
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