Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Opera confirms its Devices SDK is behind Boxee TV's HTML5 apps
- Dropbox Acquires Snapjoy And Puts Photos Into Its Focus - TechCrunch "Less than one week after Dropbox aqui-hired Audiogalaxy to beef up its cloud music ambitions, today comes news of another acquisition, this time focused on another form of media, photos: the cloud-storage giant is buying Snapjoy – like Dropbox, a Y Combinator-alum — which lets users aggregate, archive and view all of their digital photos from their cameras, phones and popular apps like Flickr, Instagram and Picasa, and then view them online or via an iOS app."
- Once More With Feeling: Paid Software Doesn't Mean A Company Treats You Any Better Than Free Software "A few months back, we wrote a post about how there was this idea gaining steam that somehow a fee-based service (such as a fee-based Twitter clone) would likely result in better service for users than a free one, in which revenue was paid by other third parties (advertisers and others). While I understand why the idea is compelling, it's hogwash."
- A speculative post about information technology and mass shootings
- Evernote-Food 2.0 – völlig überarbeitet
- Die gute Butter und der gute Journalismus
- Next Steps: NonCommercial and NoDerivatives Discussion - Creative Commons
- Three lessons for the industrial Internet
- "The primary thing that any technology startup must do is build a product that’s at least 10 times..."
- 6Wunderkinder stellen ihre “Wunderlist 2″ vor.
- Twitter Passes 200M Monthly Active Users, A 42% Increase Over 9 Months | TechCrunch
- EU-Kommission drängt auf neue Copyright-Modelle
- Derek Powazek - I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet "But the more the line is repeated, the more it gets on my nerves. It has a stoner-like quality to it (“Have you ever looked at your hands? I mean really looked at your hands?”). It reminds me of McLuhan’s “the medium is the message,” a phrase that is seemingly deep but collapses into pointlessness the moment you think about using it in any practical way."
- Yet More Pinboard Tips, Again
- Tech Companies, You’re Killing Yourself With Scary Legalese. Put Policy Changes In Layman’s Terms | TechCrunch
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