Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Trending: The Touch Era of Acquisitions Begins
- Crowdfunding als Votinginstrument in der Kulturförderung
- Autovervollständigen: Google soll Begriffe "Torrent" und "Rapidshare" ausfiltern "Google muss Filesharing-Begriffe ausfiltern, um der Öffentlichkeit das Auffinden illegaler Inhalte zu erschweren, hat das höchste Gericht Frankreichs geurteilt. Doch Google wehrt sich und geht in die Berufung."
- De:Bug Magazin » Interview: Christopher Lauer von den Piraten
- Die Preislücke für das iPad-Mini
- Crowdpark ist zahlungsunfähig | Gründerszene
- Anti-Misleading Talk Also Misleads "I think what we’re seeing in Microsoft’s numbers right now is the full-on shift of the company towards enterprise. To be clear, I think the company will remain alive and probably even thrive in that regard for a long time. I just think the time of their consumer dominance is already over. And within the next decade, it will be completely over. "
- Remotely plausible "MOST of the time, most cars in America are parked. To eliminate this inefficiency online intermediaries, or "platforms" in internet parlance, have sprung up that connect those with idle vehicles and those in need of a ride. Owners list a vehicle on a website, together with its availability and an hourly price that includes insurance and an allotment of miles. Renters commit to use a particular time slot. The only remaining snag is that either fiddly kit must be installed in a car, or the renter and owner must meet to hand over the keys. Now this last kink is being ironed out."
- ACTA, CETA und wieder einmal Providerhaftung "Netzsperren und Modelle wie Three-Strikes-Out bzw. Hadopi bleiben damit Bestandteil der europäischen Agenda."
- SuperFav "The SuperFav helps you to fav even better using Flattr!"
- Chicago Tribune: Open Source Twitterfeed-Alternative und CSV-Toolkit in Python
- Mit iTunes Match doppelte Songs entfernen
- Test Firefox OS on a desktop computer with new B2G nightly builds | Ars Technica "Mozilla is creating a new kind of mobile operating system that is aligned with standards-based Web technologies. The platform, called Firefox OS, consists of the Gecko HTML rendering engine, a thin hardware enablement layer built on the Linux kernel, and a user interface layer called Gaia that is implemented entirely in HTML and JavaScript."
- Wie die Majorlabels Startups bedroht und Innovation getötet haben
- Exciting Commerce: In eigener Sache: Wie wir wurden, was wir sind "Wir sind immer offen für Mitstreiter." Melden Sie sich.
- Marissa’s Mean And Kevin’s A Quitter: The Tech Press Shineth
- Holy Conflict Of Interest! Tell Congress That The Public Good Is More Important Than Their Chance To Cameo In Batman
- Windows 8: October 26, 2012
- neumusik.com
- Evernote auf Deutsch, Evernote für Mac: Jetzt mit Aktivitätsanzeige und Retina-Unterstützung | Evernote Corporation
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