Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Medien klauen Facebook-Bild: Als „Klickhure“ missbraucht - taz.de Der Kopf von taz-Autor Pascal Beucker gehört dem Handelsblatt.
- Exciting Travel: Social-Travel-Dienst Gogobot sieht starken Zuwachs in der App-Nutzung
- Why Preserving Video Games is Illegal "Looking at the people behind the lobbying initiatives – museum conductors, the gaming community – and the representatives of the electronics industry, there seems to be a difference in perception. What’s the purpose of emulators? For the first group, they are the only possible way to preserve the software they see as a great part of our modern cultural heritage. For the second group, they are a threat to their valuable assets."
- People Search Engine Ark Raises $4.2M Seed Round - Liz Gannes - Social - AllThingsD "Ark is almost too good to be true — a search engine that combines public and personalized search for people. It promises to transcend the current stalemate in social search between Google, Twitter and Facebook. And it actually is too good to be true — right now Ark is basically a simple interface to sort Facebook profiles by current city, gender, school, work, interests and other categories. Only 15,000 people have gotten beta access as Ark has already fully maxed out its Amazon Web Services account by searching their networks and public data."
- Facebook partners with McAfee, Symantec, Microsoft, others to offer free antivirus software, expanded URL blacklist | The Verge
- Forecast Clevere Neuerung bei Forecast (per Email): "Now Forecast takes the hassle out of ambient check-ins without draining your battery. Forecast where you're going, and you'll be automatically checked in when you arrive. Never again will you forget a check-in or have to fumble around with your phone when you arrive somewhere. Simply queue up all your forecasts and then forget about it!"
- newthinking.de » Archive » Transparenz: Software & Unternehmenszahlen
- The Man Who Makes the Future: Wired Icon Marc Andreessen | Epicenter | Wired.com "He’s not a household name like Gates, Jobs, or Zuckerberg. His face isn’t known to millions. But during his remarkable 20-year career, no one has done more than Marc Andreessen to change the way we communicate."
- How tablets are eating the PC's future – but might save the desktop computer | Technology | guardian.co.uk "However, sales of the Amazon Kindle Fire and other "forked" versions of Android will pass "officlal" Google Android sales by 2014, it forecasts. And for Microsoft, sales of the Metro tablets will accelerate in 2014. Why not until then? Because the software base is comparatively new, "it will take time for the developer ecosystem to build.""
- Think GPS is cool? IPS will blow your mind | ExtremeTech "In short, indoor positioning systems are coming — first to built-up and heavily-touristed areas (in the next year or two), and then, as smartphone saturation reaches 100%, everywhere else."
- Red Sweater Blog – MarsEdit 3.5: Formatting Macros, Full-Screen Mode, Tumblr Tweaks Mein Bloggingtool.
- A Simplenote Affair « Macdrifter
- Evernote Has Completed A $100 Million Round At A $1 Billion Valuation Led By Meritech - Business Insider
- Unforgiven: The consequences of profit failure in mobile phones | asymco
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