26. Jan. 2012 Lesezeit: 4 Min.

Aktuelles 26. Januar 2012

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • Techdirt: State Of The Union Address Highlights The Dirty Trick Of Hiding More Draconian IP Rules In 'Trade Agreements'  "One thing that anyone just becoming aware of these fights needs to know: the entertainment industry lobby is very, very good at what they do, and they never put all their eggs in one basket. While they love pushing for ever more draconian federal laws, they're always working multiple angles, including international trade agreements, laws in foreign countries and... state laws around the US, which they can then leverage to get other states to follow suit. If SOPA/PIPA really fails on the federal level, you'll see the same ideas pop up in all of those other places. In fact, we're already hearing stories of such plans in all three things, which we'll be covering in the days and weeks ahead."
  • Europe’s ‘Right to Be Forgotten’: Privacy as Internet Censorship  "Thus, for a “right to be forgotten” to work, a more formal and robust information control regime will need to be devised to censor the Net and make it “forget”about the digital footprints we left online. Will the DMCA’s “notice and takedown” model be applied? Beyond the chilling effect associated with dragnet takedowns of online information, it’s unlikely that approach will really work. Keep in mind, this isn’t as simple as just telling large social media operators to delete information on demand. The reality is, as computer scientist Ben Adida notes in his essay “(Your) Information Wants to be Free,” the same forces and factors that complicate other forms of information control, such a copyright and speech restrictions, also complicate the protection of facts about you. “[I]nformation replication doesn’t discriminate: your personal data, credit cards and medical problems alike, also want to be free. Keeping it secret is really, really hard,” Adida correctly notes."
  • New Rules for the New Economy  "Technology is no panacea. It will never solve the ills or injustices of society. Technology can do only one thing for us--but it is an astonishing thing: Technology brings us an increase in opportunities."
  • SPD will Cookies strenger regulieren | heise Security  "Die SPD-Bundestagsfraktion möchte das Setzen von Cookies in der Regel nur noch nach Einwilligung des Nutzers erlauben."
  • Timehop, A Time Machine For Your Social Media Updates, Gets $1.1M From Foursquare Founders And Others | TechCrunch  ich mag meine tägliche Email.
  • Exciting Travel: Google Hotel Finder: "Welches Hotel liegt nur 5 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt?"  Praktisch.
  • Warum Social Media so reizvoll ist, das verrät uns jetzt die Babette  "Der Bundestag braucht kein Handbuch – er braucht ein Social Network im Intranet."
  • live.hackr : Wundermichkit  "ich fürchte auch, dass das wunderkit auf den ersten blick ganz nett ausschaut, aber nicht wirklich gut skaliert und schnell eine fürchterliche mess wird. was wiederum benutzungstechnische selbstdisziplin erfordert, da natürlich niemand hat. ich vermute also stark, dass die wunderlist ihr grosser hit bleiben wird."
  • Neue Broschüre: Wie das Internet funktioniert | Digitale Gesellschaft  Super Sache: "Unser Plan ist: Wir wollen die Broschüre drucken und an PolitikerInnen und EntscheidungsträgerInnen verteilen. Damit das klappt, freuen wir uns über finanzielle Unterstützung in Form einer Spende. Auf jeden Fall wollen wir jedem der 620 Bundestags- und 99 deutschen Europaabgeordneten eine Broschüre zukommen lassen. Der Druck und die Verteilung an diese ist nicht so aufwändig, da wir hierfür eine Startauflage von 1000 Stück nehmen und sie direkt in Berlin und Brüssel in ihre Briefkästen stecken können. Aber wir würden gerne auch noch die 1852 Abgeordneten in den Länderparlamenten erreichen und warum nicht auch weitere EntscheidungsträgerInnen in Länder- und Bundesministerien sowie Medien?! Das würde jedoch den finanziellen Aufwand für Druck und Verteilung erheblich erhöhen und das können wir nur mit Eurer Unterstützung bewältigen. Spendet daher hier, wenn ihr das Projekt unterstützen möchtet."
  • Starting Over | Get Real | Jason Fried | Inc.com  37signals bauen Basecamp nochmal neu: "The problem is that we cannot make these kinds of changes in the existing product. Over time, software builds up legacy. The old technology is baked in, and the roots of the product are so knotted that simply unwinding them becomes a massive undertaking. Think about trying to uproot a 250-year-old oak tree versus a two-year-old one."
  • Daring Fireball Linked List: Cook on iCloud  Yep: "iCloud is as central to Apple’s next 10 years as the digital hub strategy was to the previous 10 years — and financial analysts are likely to ignore it, just like they did Apple’s digital hub strategy. I think Steve Jobs had his fingers in as many projects as he could manage in his final year, but it’s no coincidence that his last product announcement was iCloud. Put another way, I don’t expect any new Apple products that aren’t related in some way to iCloud."
  • Takeaways from Apple’s (Q4) 2011 - Matt Richman  "In 2009, Apple sold more iPhones than it did in 2007 and 2008 combined. In 2010, Apple sold more iPhones than it did in 2007, 2008, and 2009 combined. Last year, Apple sold 93.1 million iPhones, slightly more than it did in in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 combined. The pattern continued." (via daring fireball)
  • What is Acta and why should you be worried about it? - A guide to ACTA (Wired UK)  "Acta hangs on a vote from the European Parliament, which could take place as soon as 26 January. The treaty will still need to be ratified by the European Parliament and member states individually. If Acta is not ratified there it will get rejected in its entirety."
  • Discover New Music For Free With The New & Improved Spotify Radio  "Spotify Radio can be used in many different ways:- As a radio station creator, as the name suggests: Make a selection, press ‘Play‘, and you’ll have music blasting until you press ‘Stop‘. As a tool for discovering new music: You love a particular band but have listened to them to death, then Spotify Radio will help you find artists of a similar style or mood. As a means of discovering what’s popular: Keeping tabs on the ‘Popular‘ stations as shown in the screenshot above."
  • Sterbende Produkte neu verpackt – iPhoneBlog.de  Die Mobilfunkanbieter-App, die die SMS (und ihre Einkünfte) bei den Anbietern ersetzen soll, ist schon länger geplant: "Nur gut, das Apple keinem Mobilfunkanbieter erlaubt, Unfug im Adressbuch zu treiben. Und erwähnte ich, dass der Dienst bereits für letztes Jahr angekündigt war und uns seit 2008 als große Neuerung versprochen wird? Nee? Der Focus-Artikel nämlich auch nicht."

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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