Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Paris is getting a huge new central startup space, thanks to $1.3m from Google
- Simplenote Lifeline "Now Automattic has a chance to throw some money at solving Simplenote's problems. My hope is that money is the easy solution. The Simperium team have good ideas about how plain text syncing should work. I'll eagerly read about every improvement in the future. I'll continue to check the developer discussion boards and search Twitter. It will take a lot to bring me back in to the fold though. Dropbox syncing is almost flawless and that's a pretty high bar. While tags and fast full-text searching are wonderful features of Simplenote, in the end data integrity wins the day."
- Top 10 Crowdfunding 2012
- Copyright Is Becoming Guilt By Accusation "YouTube's ContentID system is also based on a "guilt by accusation" system -- after which you have to convince everyone (including, initially, your accuser) that you're really innocent."
- EU VP On Aaron Swartz: If Our Laws Hold Back Benefits From Openness, We Should Change Those Laws
- Netherlands Tired of Being Used as a Tax Haven — The Brief "Using a technique called the “Dutch Sandwich,” companies like Google, Yahoo, and Dell routed 10.2 trillion euros through the Netherlands in 2010. Yahoo alone saved $42.8 million using the technique in 2011, and Dell attributed three quarters of their worldwide income to a Dutch subsidiary with no employees in 2009."
- Apple’s Profit vs. Amazon’s Promise - The Market Now Faszinierend.
- The job the iPhone is hired to do | asymco "Why isn’t the iPhone n-1 “good enough”? Surely consumers can do almost the same tasks with an iPhone 4S as they can with the 5. Why are they still buying the new phone? The clue comes from the fact that the consumer is not the only buyer. It’s operators who buy and re-price the product. They are hiring the product to sell broadband and the newest variant is still the best hire to do that job. This observation is crucial to understanding the growth dynamics of the iPhone and consequently, of Apple itself."
- Nokia CEO Stephen Elop: Google is making its open ecosystem 'more closed' | The Verge Elop: "The situation that Android is facing, where the amount of fragmentation that you're seeing is increasing as people take it in different directions, is of course offset by Google's efforts to turn an open ecosystem into something that's quite a bit more closed as you've seen quite recently."
- Internet-Law » DAV lehnt Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverlage ebenfalls entschieden ab "Dass der Deutsche Anwaltverein (DAV) das geplante Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseerzeugnisse ebenfalls ablehnt, ist nicht neu. Es gibt hierzu allerdings jetzt noch eine aktuelle und meines Erachtens äußerst fundierte Stellungnahme des Ausschusses Geistiges Eigentum des DAV, die einige der wesentlichen juristischen Argumente auf den Punkt bringt."
- Die Auswirkungen der Deals von Spotify mit Netzbetreibern
- Weltweit größtes Audio-Archiv für Tierstimmen geht online
- Facebook’s graph search and the end of privacy by obscurity
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