Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- klugscheissen "der ursprüngliche facebookeintrag wurde vom spiegel gelöscht, damit auch mindestens 10 kommentare und 24 likes. gegen 19 uhr wurde der eintrag neu gepostet. ein hinweis dazu findet sich unter dem eintrag nicht. einziger unterschied zum vorherigen text in der neuen version: hauke janssen, der chef der spiegel-dokumentation, schreibt sich jetzt korrekt mit zwei s (vorher nur mit einem)."
- Swizz Beatz on Megaupload: I Was Giving Artists 90% Of The Shit | TorrentFreak
- YouTube Now Has The Most Creative Commons Videos In The World
- Roku gets $45M in funding from News Corp., BSkyB — Online Video News "We recently broke the news that an expansion to Germany and Spain seems to be imminent; Roku’s website briefly contained code that hinted at a presence in both countries, and the most recent firmware update supports both German and Spanish as user interface languages. Roku hasn’t officially commented on when it will enter either market, but it’s likely that the yet-unnamed strategic investor has a presence there."
- Daring Fireball: Mountain Lion "Microsoft, on the other hand, is clearly betting everything on their single OS strategy. We’ll see how that goes. But in terms of their traditional blockbuster “It’s taken us a few years but here’s something totally new and different” approach to major OS releases, I’m not sure that’s sustainable. Windows 8 might be the last. How else can they compete with the iPad but than to switch to an Apple-style schedule of annual incremental updates? That mindset and development schedule — “What can we do to make this nicer by next year?” — may well be the most important thing from iOS that Apple has taken back to the Mac."
- OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion: the Ars Technica review | Ars Technica Zwei Wörter: John Siracusa.
- Declaration of Internet Freedom Gains Momentum | Free Press "On Monday, Free Press announced that Oregon Senator Ron Wyden joined more than 1,500 groups and organizations and 50,000 individuals from more than 130 countries who have signed the Declaration of Internet Freedom since its launch on July 2."
- Airbnb Scores Off London Olympics With Jump in Bookings - Bloomberg Wenig überraschend.
- Netflix is already a huge threat to Amazon’s Lovefilm — paidContent "In just two quarters and two countries, Netflix has gathered an online customer base equal to half of that which Lovefilm, which also rents out DVDs and games, has amassed in five countries and over a decade."
- Application Compatibility for OS X Mountain Lion & iOS - RoaringApps - App compatibility and feature support for OS X & iOS
- Why Copyright Is Evil "Can musicians sit back and collect royalties and a share of the huge monopoly profits of yesteryear? Nope. But, those were the days of the golden handcuffs and the chosen few. The only artists who whine and complain now about those “good old” days are either Old artists who came up in the old days and are wistful of the time when they only had to record an album every three years to earn 5 times what they earn now, or
Young artists who are too lazy to boot-strap things themselves and wish success was handed to them"
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