Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Out in the Open: Say Hello to the Apple of Linux OSes | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com
- Messaging and SMS "it's also about adoption cycles - Germany tends to be a late adopter in these sectors (or perhaps they just can't fit a sentence into 160 characters)"
- Quora Confirms It's Favoring Search Ads For Eventual Monetization, Launches Author Stats Tool
- Mehr als 300 Organisationen starten weltweite Kampagne gegen Massenüberwachung
- A Post about Removable Storage, Removable Batteries and Smartphones "In fact, if you pay attention, a lot of the decisions driving these new mobile platforms are motivated by a desire to correct "mistakes" or remove painpoints from the traditional PC user experience."
- Mir liegt der 177-seitige Entwurf des Koalitionsvertrages vor. Und Ihnen auch. « Stefan Niggemeier "Der Halbsatz von dem Entwurf, der der Redaktion vorliegt, ohne den Versuch, ihn auch den Lesern vorzulegen, spricht nicht nur von dem Versuch, einen Vorsprung vor der Konkurrenz zu bewahren (was im konkreten Fall augenscheinlich völlig abwegig ist). Er steht auch dafür, dass Journalisten einen Informationsvorsprung vor den Lesern bewahren wollen."
- Beastie Boys Say They Don't Want Music In Ads, But Fair Use Doesn't Care | Techdirt
- Doctor Who‘s 50th anniversary broke ratings records by enlisting the internet "What are the lessons here? It’s not just about having a brand, even a brand with 50 years of legacy behind it. It’s about making something as available as possible to as many people as possible — and making those people not just into fans, but into active participants in the experience. Because that’s when you know they really care."
- Samsung Elec says Gear smartwatch sales hit 800,000 in two months
- The Bubble in Bubbles - Bloomberg "I am hard-pressed to recall when any sort of bubble was accurately identified in real time on the cover of a major media publication. If anything, the opposite is true."
- Fraser Speirs - Blog - Portable Podcasting
- HBO’s no-cable experiment goes nowhere: Netflix handily beats HBO Nordic in Sweden
- Dark Matter "Now we are in a situation where devices whose primary purpose is to watch video content (cheaply and conveniently) are being counted. By their counting, their implicit competitiveness is asserted. But it means nothing if they are not hired for the same jobs. In fact it misdirects attention."
- ē Whose iPad Life?
- Copyright Lobbyists And The $1 Trillion Fallacy
- It's Not Such A Wonderful Public Domain, As Paramount Plans To Block 'It's A Wonderful Life' Sequel
- Why Even Doctor Who Has Trouble Following Copyright
- Steve Wright: “Es wird zu einer Balkanisierung des Internet kommen” | Netzpiloten.de – Social Web Explorer "Das Problem sind noch die Adoptionsraten, selbst in Expertenkreisen wird etwa die E-Mail-Verschlüsselung PGP nur seltn genutzt. Aber stell´ dir vor, es gibt ein Smartphone, das für 50 Dollar mehr garantiert, dass die NSA für das Knacken deiner Kommunikation ein paar Monate braucht. Hunderttausende würden sich so etwas kaufen, es gibt einen Markt dafür. Außerdem wird es zu einer Balkanisierung des Internet kommen. Derzeit laufen 85 Prozent des Datenverkehrs durch ganze vier Gebäude in den USA, und werden die Chinesen da noch wollen, dass ihre Daten da durchgehen?"
- How 10 people built a competitor to Amazon.com for $1 million—in 90 days - Quartz "Boxed has been generating revenue from the day it launched, and while it offers free shipping on orders above $75, it has kept costs low by carrying only a limited range—currently about 600 items. Those are the things people are most likely to buy, says Huang."
- Spotify erhält weitere 250 Millionen $ bei Bewertung von 4 Mia. $
- Markdown für WordPress.com – iPhoneBlog.de
- Umeng, The “Flurry of China”, Confirms Its Acquisition By Alibaba "Umeng, the analytics provider that has collected data from 180,000 apps and 590 million active devices throughout China, confirmed that it was acquired by Alibaba.The company is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chinese e-commerce giant, which is reportedly on its way toward one of the most highly anticipated tech IPOs of this decade."
- Appear Here, The UK Pop-Up Shop And Short-Term Retail Space Marketplace, Raises £1 Million
- The Sweet Setup — We recommend the best apps for iPhone, iPad, and Mac
- The shifting pay TV industry in two charts
- The MPAA's Plan To Piss Off Young Moviegoers And Make Them Less Interested In Going To Theaters
- Nokia rebrands its Music service to Nokia Mix Radio, completely refreshes Windows Phone app | Windows Phone Central
- Drone Imagery for OpenStreetMap | MapBox "Last weekend we captured 100 acres of aerial imagery at 4cm resolution."
- Netflix revives The Killing for a short final season Faszinierende Kooperation.
- New startup economics: Why Amazon (web services) and Dropbox need each other "AWS has over five times the compute capacity in use than the aggregate total of the other 14 providers. AWS replaces an average of 400 servers per customer. Amazon has lowered AWS prices 38 times since launching in 2006."
- We Must Start Punishing Copyright Monopoly Abuse To At Least Symmetry "The premise is simple: since the copyright industry and other bullies risk absolutely nothing by sending out a copyright monopoly claim, they will keep doing so to silence protected speech, crush competition, and stifle legitimate criticism. This isn’t just fraud, it is a real problem for society and it is an audacious breaking of the social contract. In a word, it is – or should be – criminal."
- Amazon and Apple Business Models
- DoctorBeet's Blog: LG Smart TVs logging USB filenames and viewing info to LG servers
- TPP, eine Internetbedrohung in der Tradition von ACTA, IPRED und anderen Abkürzungen "Die Verhandlungen zu TTIP befinden sich gerade in ihrer zweiten Phase – genau wie bei TTP verläuft all dies im vollständig Geheimen. Die Geschwindigkeit der Verhandlungen ist zur Zeit sehr hoch, da die Beteiligten starkes Interesse daran haben, den Vertrag innerhalb der nächsten zwei Jahre zum Abschluss zu bringen, um ihre Wirtschaft anzukurbeln. Da hilft es, wenn man Vorlagen heranziehen kann. Üblicherweise findet man also teilweise wörtliche Zitate aus anderen Abkommen. So wie sich auch in TPP genaue ACTA-Absätze finden, ist das gleiche auch für TTIP in Bezug auf ACTA und TPP zu erwarten. Es ist also wieder einmal an der Zeit, den ständig wiedererwachenden Copyright- und Patentzombie zurückzukämpfen."
- You can't beat politics with technology, says Pirate Bay cofounder Peter Sunde (Wired UK) "Pirate Bay cofounder Peter Sunde spoke to Wired.co.uk about the problems with the file-sharing website in its current form, the "imminent death" of peer-to-peer and the centralised services that leave us open to NSA surveillance. He also urges people to dispel their political apathy to prevent the emergence of a new Stasi-style era of oppression."
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