Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Sherlock Holmes Is in the Public Domain, American Judge Rules - NYTimes.com
- What stops users from connecting with an app through Facebook? "72 percent cancel if an app requests to see their relationships; 67 percent cancel if the app want to post on their behalf; 83 percent cancel if the app wants to upload photos; and 62 percent cancel if the app wants to access their friend list."
- OAuth.io Adds More Features to Simplify Authentication “We have a flow that also goes on the server side, so we don’t store access tokens. In this way, we also become a single point of failure, so we are an OAuth backend, but we are open source: you can have OAuth.io on your own server, for example. And we avoid all attacks for any known CRF exploits.”
- Online Shoppen: Zurückschicken kostet bald
- Unlocator - Unblock Websites the Easy Way
- Suprise, surprise: Netflix says users love to binge-watch
- Can we organize independently of governments, corporations and religion? "We can now also organise around information systems. We no longer depend on law, money and doctrines alone. Information systems have become the Fourth Category."
- "Technology is usually fairly neutral. It’s like a hammer, which can be used to build a house or to..."
- Can I Stream.It?: Search Netflix, Hulu, Google Play, iTunes, and more, for movies to stream instantly, rent, and buy.
- Best news reader apps for iPad: Mr. Reader, Reeder 2, Newsify, and more! | iMore "If you aren't worried about iPhone support and want the best reading experience on the iPad that the App Store currently has to offer, get Mr. Reader." Yep.
- Saved "Once Prime members sign up, they tend to stick around: “We’ve seen not only a very strong increase in Prime membership, but we’ve seen very good retention of Prime members. When you look at that in terms of lifetime value, we have a customer base that’s staying with us longer [and] doing more cross-shopping.”This apparently extends to Amazon’s grocery delivery service, AmazonFresh, which is only available in LA and Seattle for now. “Are you selling more general merchandise as a result of more frequent deliveries in [those] markets?” one analyst asked. “Yes,” said Szkutak."
- Five million backers! » The Kickstarter Blog — Kickstarter
- Canonical Launches Android and Ubuntu Touch Dual Boot App Die gleiche Strategie wie am Desktop.
- The media needs a narrative
- Lobbyismus im Koalitionsvertrag: Verleger verwässern Passagen zum Datenschutz Während in den Feuilletons gegen "Big Data" gehetzt wird.
- Surprise: MPAA Told It Can't Use Terms 'Piracy,' 'Theft' Or 'Stealing' During Hotfile Trial
- Some simple economics of drone delivery
- ē Amazon and the Benefits of Vision
- Anti-Net Neutrality Advocates Back To Making Bogus Arguments
- Exclusive: Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer | Reuters "As a key part of a campaign to embed encryption software that it could crack into widely used computer products, the U.S. National Security Agency arranged a secret $10 million contract with RSA, one of the most influential firms in the computer security industry, Reuters has learned."Holy. Shit.
- N.S.A. Spied on Allies, Aid Groups and Businesses - NYTimes.com "Secret documents reveal more than 1,000 targets of American and British surveillance in recent years, including the office of an Israeli prime minister, heads of international aid organizations, foreign energy companies and a European Union official involved in antitrust battles with American technology businesses."
- BitTorrent serverless chat replaces usernames with crypto keys | Ars Technica "Using public key encryption provides us with a number of benefits. The most obvious is the ability to encrypt messages to your sender using your private key and their public key. But in public key encryption, if someone gains access to your private key, all of your past (and future) messages could be decrypted and read. In Chat, we are implementing forward secrecy. Every time you begin a conversation with one of your contacts, a temporary encryption key will be generated. Using each of your keypairs, this key will be generated for this one conversation and that conversation only, and then deleted forever."
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