Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Medien: Teurer Blick in den "Spiegel" - ZEIT ONLINE mobil "Wie man der verbreiteten Annahme begegnen könnte, Spiegel und Spiegel Online seien identisch. Es ging um Details: Keine Artikel mehr aus dem aktuellen Blatt im Netz statt wie zuvor etwa fünf pro Woche, alle archivierten Geschichten sollten nicht mehr nach zwei Wochen online zugänglich sein, sondern erst nach vier Wochen."
- Brazil's copyright societies indicted for fraud, new law demands efficient, transparent collecting societies - Boing Boing "The part that I'm excited about is "principles of transparency, efficiency and tech improvement." Collecting societies are based on the idea of statistically sampling music usage and remitting funds based on the analysis. Given that we live in the age of analytics, it's unforgivable that the basic algorithm for collection distribution is "all the money goes to the big four labels, except for some scraps that we give to a few indies, and the rather titanic rake we keep for ourselves." I think the 21st century is waiting for a collecting society run with the institutional transparency of GNU/Linux and the analytic efficiency of Google."
- Nintendo ends its apathy toward online-services | VentureBeat "How Nintendo adapts to the internet is critical to its future in the increasingly-web-connected game market. And so it is interesting that the Kyoto-based game maker may finally be ready to figure out this whole internet thing. According to the same financial report in which Nintendo announced its record loss, it revealed that 70 percent of all 3DS units sold have been connected to the Internet. That’s right in step with the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, which had 73 percent and 78 percent internet-connection ratios in 2010, respectively."
- Gesetze für die Nicht-Auskenner | Digitale Notizen
- Is it a tech bubble? - Chris Dixon
- 21st century skills do not exist; here are 9 skills that do - Articles - Educational Technology - ICT in Education "Twenty-first skills? On the contrary: what we need is a return to the basics which have served people well for as long as anyone can recall."
- TNW Profile: an interview with Wooga CEO Jens Begemann "The creative scene in Berlin and the amount of talented people drawn to the city is unrivalled by anywhere else in the world right now. From a recruitment perspective it’s ideal and has helped us gather a lot of international talent."
- Announcing the Asana API at Asana Blog
- Zynga Q1 2012 earnings by the numbers "$392.2 million: Zynga’s most important revenue metric is one a lot of people might not grok. The bulk of Zynga’s revenue is for virtual goods to use in its games like FarmVille and the new CastleVille. The accounting isn’t as simple as selling something outright. Instead, the company reports it as “bookings” — and those hit $392.2 million in Q1, up 15 percent year over year and 7 percent over the previous quarter."
- Germany’s Pirate Party: The ayes have it | The Economist "The Berliners set store by LiquidFeedback, a software programme that lets people vote on documents or delegate votes to proxies. This is a compromise between grass-roots and representative democracy, says Martin Haase, a “superdelegate” with lots of proxies. In Berlin office-holders must heed decisions from LiquidFeedback. Superdelegates are a parallel elite, who have greater legitimacy because their mandates can be revoked at any time. Some say that Mr Haase, a linguistics professor, is the most influential Pirate of all."
- Mac App Store Hits 10,000 Available Apps - Mac Rumors
- Social Networking Ends Games 40 Month Mobile Reign "The most significant trend is that, for the first time in the history of applications (Flurry began tracking application usage in 2008), another app category is rivaling Games. We take the rise in Social Networking apps as a signal of maturation for the platform. As game demand may be hitting its saturation point, consumers are also discovering other apps, namely Social Networking. The year-over-year growth in Social Networking has been staggering. Not only has time spent increased by 60%, but also within a growing amount of total time spent in smartphone apps among consumers, from 68 to 77 minutes, or a growth rate of 13%."
- Apple courts EPIX for upcoming TV: sources | Reuters Jetzt zunehmende Gerüchte könnten auf eine Enthüllung zur WWDC hindeuten.
- Viddy Is Raising $30M At A $370M Valuation | TechCrunch "Instagram für Videos" they say.
- Simfy beschränkt kostenfreien Zugang auf 2 Monate
- Exciting Commerce: K5 Konferenz: 100 Interims-Manager für den E-Commerce "Ab sofort können sich auch alle anderen für die K5 anmelden. Die Konferenz wendet sich auch dieses Jahr wieder an die 500 stärksten Online-Händler. Wir rechnen diesmal mit über 1.000 Teilnehmern."
- Airbnb Streamlines Booking Process for Last-Minute Travel - Liz Gannes - Commerce - AllThingsD Clever: "So Airbnb has created an alternative booking service for last-minute travel that it calls Match, where users teach the system their preferences and send out the same booking inquiry to multiple hosts, and Airbnb manages the replies. The company says this process should be about three times faster than making a normal reservation."
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