Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Rivva wird fünf – Rivva Blog Glückwunsch! "Ich bin dabei, große Teile des Systems neu zu programmieren. Gleichzeitig ziehe ich Komponenten, Module und APIs heraus, um darauf aufbauend eigene Produkte zu entwickeln. Ich möchte dieses Jahr auch erste Projektteile als Open Source freigeben, um damit an die Community zurückzugeben."
- Exciting Commerce: Demandware will beim Börsengang bis zu $80 Mio. erzielen "Das Kuriose am Markt für Shopsoftware ist ja, dass prominente Anbieter wie Intershop, Hybris, ATG oder Demandware eher Nischenplayer sind, die zwar in der Regel große, umsatzstarke, aber vergleichsweise wenige Kunden haben, wohingegen die Masse der Online-Händler inzwischen von den Magentos, ePages, Shopifys, Oxids oder Plentysystems bedient wird."
- Your Average Facebook Post Only Reaches 16% Of Your Friends | TechCrunch
- Linux is the world’s fastest growing desktop OS – up 64% in 9 months | Royal Pingdom "In second place came Microsoft Windows 7, which increased only 37%."
- Daring Fireball Linked List: New Tablets From Samsung and Sony "Perhaps they simply can’t afford to sell these tablets for less. Don’t underestimate Apple’s supply chain and economy-of-scale advantages. (But if that’s the case, one could argue they’re stupid for even trying. If you can’t make something at a competitive price, why make it?)"
- Like Instapaper, but for Developers "This is a beta (but stable) release of Clear Read API. It'll turn most URLs into a Full-Text XML feed that's easy to integrate into Applications."
- Alex Payne — How Not To Sell Software in 2012 "If you’re in the enterprise software business, you’re going to be dealing with more and more potential customers like me as the demographics of our industry shift. So, if you’d like to keep making money, here’s what not to do"
- VEVO Logins Will Soon Be Exclusive to Facebook
- In the Valley, anything less than 92% share makes you irrelevant | Ed Bott "Worldwide, 8% of all desktop/portable computer users are still running the hated, reviled Windows Vista. That’s more than all users of OS X and Linux combined. And, of course, if you add up the number of Windows XP users (dominated by enterprises) and Windows 7 (mostly consumers and small businesses), the percentage is more than 10 times the total of all OS X and Linux users combined." Yep, aber zumindest OS X wächst schneller.
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