6. Feb. 2012 Lesezeit: 1 Min.

Aktuelles 6. Februar 2012

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • The Next Transitions in the Technium  "Eventually we will sequence the full genomes of everyone living, and as many of the recent dead as we have access to. Together with genealogical records, this huge trove of data will give us our first universal family tree. Everyone living will have a place on it in relation to everyone else. We will clearly see exactly how I am related to you."
  • User Manual First  "What baffles me are the clueless manufacturers who still don't put their installation and operating manuals online in 2012. (I'm thinking of you, LG.) The main result of this process is simply fewer surprises. Less returns, better integration."
  • Size Matters  "Apple’s iPhone business alone is larger than all of Microsoft’s businesses combined. And — just as remarkably — if you took away Apple’s iPhone business from the chart, the remaining Apple businesses would still be larger than Microsoft’s total business."
  • The Teen Art Gallery  Finanziert über Kickstarter. "you will see that the teenagers have built an entire organization, filled with themselves, to run this business."
  • Journalismus-Lehrbücher meiden!  "Ich glaube, alle übersehen das Wesentliche: Lehrbücher sind im Journalismus generell zu meiden."
  • First: Apple’s rank in mobile phone profitability and revenues | asymco  "Apple reached 75% of profit share, nearly 40% of revenue share and 9% of units share."
  • Against the wall – Marco.org  "It’s easy not to “be evil” when you’re ahead. But when you’re backed into a corner and your usual strategies aren’t working, it’s easy to get frustrated, scared, and angry, and throw previously held morals and standards out the window."
  • The Future of the Book Is the Stream - The Atlantic
  • Best Of: Januar 2012 auf neumusik.com
  • Study: Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google+, nearly on par with Twitter — Tech News and Analysis  "Pinterest is now driving more referral traffic on the web than Google+, YouTube, Reddit, and LinkedIn — combined. That’s according to Shareaholic’s January 2012 referral traffic report, which is based on aggregated data from more than 200,000 publishers that reach more than 260 million unique monthly visitors each month."

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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